



1、A black and white hair, a pair of black eyes, and slow limbs, make up a cute panda.一身黑白相间的茸毛,一对乌黑发亮的眼睛,加上行动缓慢的四肢,凑成了憨态可掬的大熊猫。2、Pandas bed look very cute...


熊猫的外貌特征英文:Appearance characteristics of pandas。熊猫的外貌特征英文介绍:1、熊猫的眼睛其实很小,但是它的眼睛四周是一圈黑色的毛,因而使得熊猫看起来非常可爱。The panda's eyes are actually very small, but ...


用英语描写熊猫的特征:The panda is fat and plump like a bear. Its head is round and its tail is short. Its head and body are 1.2-1.8m long and its tail is 10-12cm long. It weighs 80-120kg, w...


Panda is so cute.And has,two black ears and two black eyes.It's fat and big.It likes to eat bamboos.I like panda very much.

问一个英语问题 请用英语描述熊猫的外貌,句子不要太复杂,几句话就可以...

Pandas are lovely animals. They have tiny eyes with black circles around it. They are chubby and fury, which make them look very cute.They have two colors of fur ——black and white. They have black ...


A big black rim of the eye by giant panda eyes, as if wearing a big pair of sunglasses; its belly fat, like a big balloon; it also has a short tail, furry, feels it must be very comfortable.The ...


介绍熊猫的6句话英语有:1、大熊猫属于食肉目、熊科、大熊猫亚科。Giant pandas belong to Carnivora, Ursidae and Ailuropoda subfamily.2、大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物。The giant panda is the only mammal in the genus.3、...


panda. Body fat and soft; Round head, thick neck; A pair of small ears, a short tail, legs, short and thick, body hair black and white; Eyes with big black rim of the eye, if not wake up.熊猫...


This is a panda. It's white and black. It looks stupid and lovely. It lives in Sichuan, China. It's our national treasure. It likes to eat bamboo. I like it very much.


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