
例如Is he going to take off his tie?


例如Is he going to take off his tie?

英语中有些动词词组,当后面接名词作宾语时,可以放在中间,也可放在后面,take off his tie =take his tie off。但是,如果宾语是代词的话,则必须放在中间,即:take it off. 不可以说take off it。

Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes ,I am going...

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:1 Yes, he is going to take off his tie.2 Yes, I am going to turn on the radio.3 Yes, she is going to turn off the tap.4 Yes, they are going to put on their clothes.~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_...

is she going to turn off the tap

正确答案为:1 Yes,he is going to take off his tie.2 Yes,I am going to turn on the radio.3 Yes,she is going to turn off the tap.4 Yes,they are going to put on their clothes.




I never liked his music, but it's taken offquite recently. Everyone is listening to it.3、Not go to workTake offcan be used with a time word to mean have time away from work.“Take off”可以与表示时间的词语搭配使用,表示“休假,不上班”。I'm going to take a day off...


1. (动词 vs 名词)"take off"是一个动词短语,表示起飞或者脱下衣物。而"take-off"是一个名词,表示飞机起飞的动作或者运动员的跳跃起飞动作。 例如: - The plane will take off in an hour. 飞机将在一个小时后起飞。 - He took off his jacket and hung it on the back of the chair. 他脱下了外...

bi going to怎么变疑问句和否定句

是be going to 吧 一般疑问句 只要把be动词提到句首 后面不变 例如 He is going to do his homework. 改为一般疑问句就是 Is he going to do his homework? 否定句只要在be动词前加上not 例如 He is not going to do his homework. 如有问题, 欢迎追问 ...

关于take off

take off 有突然开始成功,开始走红的意思(英语解释是 to suddenly start being successful)在本句中就是用这个意思。另外take off 还有5个意思 1.脱下,脱去(尤指衣服)2.起飞 3.(非正式)为了逗笑而模仿(某人的谈吐,举止)4.(在某日或某段时间)休假 5.(非正式)(尤指不打招呼就)...

take off是什么意思?

take off 英[teik ɔf]美[tek ɔf]具体词义如下:脱下(衣帽、鞋子等),脱掉;拿掉,取下;移去;拆下,拆掉:He took off his coat and sat down.他脱下大衣坐了下来.to take off one's glasses摘下眼镜 领走;带走;带去(某物);移送(某处),如:[take oneself off] [口语]...

take off是什么意思

意思为“脱下”、“起飞”、”离开“例句:脱下 "You come out and shower with the suit on to get loose contamination off, take off the suit and then shower again to get it off your skin, " he said.“你出来了,穿着这套衣服淋浴,以把松散的沾染物冲洗掉。 再脱下服装,然后...
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