



我们的饭店接受所有主要的信用卡。4. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。5. She was charged with credit card fraud.她被控告信用卡欺骗罪。问题二:写信用英文怎么说 write letter 问题三:他在信中写了些什么用英语怎么说 你好!他在...


Credit cards are the no-fuss cash alternative. They're also a helpful tool when it comes to emergencies.But the advantages of credit cards go far beyond mere convenience.Getting the most from your credit card Use it to stay on top of things.Your credit card can help you keep ...


中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国建设银行 China Construction Bank 中国招商银行 China Merchants Bank 中国农业银行 Agricultural Bank of China 中国银行 Bank of China 交行 Bank of Communications 浦发银行 SPD Bank 广发银行 GuangDong Development Bank 牡丹卡是中国工商银行的 ...

积分 用英语怎么说 信用卡里的积分换东西的

credit card point 信用卡积分 信用卡积分在澳洲叫:credit rewards point 在英国的超市,积分就是point。他们的介绍是“Tesco Clubcard is our way of saying thank you. Collect Clubcard Points on your shopping, and we'll send you Clubcard Vouchers 4 times a year to say thanks.”Tesco超市...


Do you want to pay with credit card or cash ?这是绝对正确的说法,其他说法少见,或者是译者杜撰。


As mentioned in an early article, there are two types of credit cards: secured and unsecured. This article will explore some of the issues of secured credit cards.What is a secured credit card?A secured card is a credit card that requires you to deposit a certain amount of ...


问题四:“预授权”用英语怎么表达? Pre-Authorization for deposit 问题五:怎么用英文和老外说信用卡刷预授权 你可以说 i need to swipe your credit card twice,the first one is for deposit,the second one when you check out is for charge 问题六:用英语如何说:我们用你的信用卡做预...


消费者个人信用记录 金融机构会根据信用记录是否良好决定是否批准申请人的借贷申请。个人信用记录的网上查询方法请参见《个人信用记录》。 宽限期 还款限期过后,金融机构允许借款人在宽限期内免收利息。 最低还款额 持卡人必须按每月信用卡账单支付的最低金额。 了解更多实用理财技巧请访问: 信用卡英语词汇整理及详解...
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