



关于大学生活的英语作文1:How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates?Everyone has his answer.In my opinion,to Live in Harmony with your Roommates,one should:Firstly, keep the same pace with roommates. There are usually four people or more...


用英语写信给朋友介绍大学生活篇一 Dear Friend,How are you?I believe everything goes well in your side.It has been 1 month since I enter into university.Everthing here in my side goes smoothly,please don't worry.We are shecudled many course everyday,it is busy,but my life is...


大学生活的英语参考范文:Nowadays, the life of university is very wonderful. the life of university once we dreamed is before us now. My college life is so different from before . At weekends, I do a part-time job at the nearby supermarket. I need to experience the world outs...


如何度过大学生活英语范文1 My college life(3107字)As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. At this time, I just can’t tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the...


随着时间的流逝,记得在我的第一天大学生活对我来说变得有点困难了。然而,有一点是肯定的,我对大学真的感到很兴奋很好奇。毫无疑问,很多像我这样努力了很长时间才可以进入大学的学生。2、Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, it's an interesting...

my university 写一篇不少于120的英语作文

”如果学生想要做好某件事,他们就要每天坚持做,不要让其他的事情分散他们的目标。这样他们在大学生活中将是一大赢家。 关于大学的英语作文(二) With the end of another college entrance examination, many students are going to enter the colleges after the summer holiday....


After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.大学日常生活的英语作文5:My wonderful college life You may feel that college life is boring. We do not know how...


apart from endless homework, I am also occupied with a number of exams and exercises. So busy am I that I have no time to relax myself.对我来说,我的中学生活是充满压力和忙碌的。为了进入重点大学,我经常熬夜准备高考,这让我很累,_。同时,除了没完没了的作业,我也有很多考试和...

大学英语作文How to spend your College life 100-120字

兴趣爱好是大学生活中的另一个重要方面。我们应该尝试不同的爱好,加入不同的俱乐部和活动组织,以发掘自己的潜力和提高自己的技能。最后,我们应该学会处理生活中的问题,比如管理我们的时间、保持身体健康、处理财务等等。只有在这些事情上付出努力,我们才能全面地享受我们的大学生活。写作模板:As a ...


大学生活对我来说是一段难忘的记忆。我获得了知识和友谊。大学生活英语作文WhenI was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do whatI wanted to. Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had ...
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