


英语作文。六一刚刚过去,你在六一节做了什么,请用5--8句话写出来。 英...

June first was China Children's day. I was in home reading articles about how the chinese children celebrates it. I'm not a child anymore and that made me felt sad when i was reading the articles.Later on at that day, i went to McDonald to celebrate children's day with ...


笔友是一种特殊的交流方式,可以让我们了解不同文化和生活方式。 4、Through writing letters, we can learn about each other's backgrounds, interests, and values, which cannot be obtained through other means. 通过写信,我们可以了解彼此的背景、兴趣爱好和价值观,这些信息是无法通过其他方式获得的。 5、My ...

九年级上册人教英语作文关于做志愿者和怎样学习和旅游的作文.急需 1...

顺便大家一起预测下九年级上册2010-2011学年的英语作文题目,然后附上文章.如果大家有好的试卷拿出来分享.语文.数学.英语.物理.化学.政治.历史.有都拿出来.我乐意做.谢谢了,邮箱是9318... 顺便大家一起预测下九年级上册 2010-2011 学年的英语作文题目,然后附上文章.如果大家有好的试卷拿出来分享.语文.数学.英语...


我是个英语老师,批卷子的时候,会发现大家在表达“好”的时候,用“good”特别多,这就太普通了,‼️今天给大家分享的“good”的5种高级说法,用在你的英语作文里面,让人眼前一亮。 excellent 极好的 amazing 令人惊奇的 wonderful 精彩的 pleasant 愉快的,舒适的 marvelous 极好的 其实这些词也不是生僻词,常用...


写一个关于今天的天气的英语作文5句话  我来答 1个回答 #热议# “嘴硬心软”和“嘴软心硬”的女孩,哪个过得更好?匿名用户 2015-09-29 展开全部 Today is a fine day.The sun is shining and the wind is blowing gentlely.There is a lot of white cloud in the sky.The temperature is ...


写作思路:可以写自己希望六一去海南玩,在沙滩上捡美丽的贝壳等等,中心要明确,语言要通顺。正文:I want to go to Hainan with my best friend to pick up shells and beautiful shells on the beach. We ran to catch up with the distant waves. We were very happy. We picked up the ...


5. During the Spring Festival, various new year activities are held all over the country. Due to different regional cultures, there are differences in the content or details of customs.Throughout the Spring Festival, a variety of new year events take place nationwide. Influenced by ...


June first was China Children's day. I was in home reading articles about how the chinese children celebrates it. I'm not a child anymore and that made me felt sad when i was reading the articles.Later on at that day, i went to McDonald to celebrate children's day with ...


Halloween is a western festival. Every year in the November 1, all is the Halloween. The October 31 is Halloween. On that day, people will wear masks, put on strange clothes dressed as ghost appearance, every family can use pumpkin carving empty make it light. The children will...

英语作文。以The School Day为题,5句话,用比较级和最高级 Today is th...

I am in the best football team of my school.I like football very much.Lilei is my teammate,he is also my good friend.But he is play better than me,I offen learn from him.Today is sports Day, we will have a fun.
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