



The Puritans believed that the Bible was God's true law, and that it provided a plan for living. The established church of the day described access to God as monastic and possible only within the confines of "church authority". Puritans stripped away the traditional trappings and ...

Jonh Milton的英文简介

John Milton 1. Life: educated at Cambridge—visiting the continent—involved into the revolution—persecuted—writing epics.2. Literary career.(1) The 1st period was up to 1641, during which time he is to be seen chiefly as a son of the humanists and Elizabethans, although his ...

英文名词解释the pilgrims

the pilgrims,清教徒; 英国清教徒;清教徒(Puritan),是指要求清除英国国教中天主教残余的改革派。其字词于16世纪60年代开始使用,源于拉丁文 的Purus,意为清洁。 清教徒信奉加尔文主义(Calvinism),认为《圣经》才是唯一最高权威,任何教会或个人都不能成为传统权威的解释者和维护者。清教...


it is impossible to understand American society." ④ Puritanism laid the foundation of American society, has shaped the American character, from all influence on American community. 5 Puritanism lay the foundation for American democracy 下面是汉译美国文化源于清教文化,由清教徒移民时传入北美。


清教徒 The pilgrims (Puritan), it is to point to the requirements of the church of England clear Catholic the remnants of the reformers. Its words in the 1560 s, begin to use, comes from the Latin Purus, meaning clean. The puritans believe in Calvin socialist, that the bible...


1524年,英国人丁道尔(William Tyndale)把新约圣经翻译成英文,他可以说是英国的第一位清教徒。早期清教徒希望完全按照圣经的原则生活,顺服圣经的教导可说是他们的首要任务。如丁道尔的目标就是让英国每位识字的人都拥有一本圣经。历史上,将在英国的新教徒,那些信奉加尔文教义、不满英国国教教义的人称...


历史上,将在英国的新教徒,那些信奉加尔文教义、不满英国国教教义的人称为清教徒。而由于英国的宗教迫害,大部分清教徒都逃亡到了美国,所以人们说起清教徒,一般指的就是美国的清教徒。 参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/182810.html?wtp=tt 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...


从清教徒主义思想中衍生出的'极强职业伦理。Perhaps, form the beginning, a steak of puritanism had been latent , deep inside him.也许,从一出世起, 就有一种清教徒式的性格深深潜伏在他身上。To treat with national heritage Puritanism, his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.对待民族...


约翰·弥尔顿 ( John Milton,1608~1674)是英国伟大的诗人、资产阶级革命家和政治家。 弥尔顿 1608年12月9日出生在伦敦一个富裕的清教徒家庭,自幼酷爱读书,学习多种文字,自12岁起,每晚读书必至深夜方才就寝。剑桥大学毕业后,他通览了古代和文艺复兴时期的文学,深受人文主义思想的影响。1638年在...


1.puritan是清教,其实就是指教徒都过着极为严紧自律的生活。 清教和新教在以前对罗马教廷来说,都属于异端。就是非异教徒,但不遵崇天主教的教规。后来新教被接纳,而清教徒渐渐减少,所以这个问题并不再受重视,天主教徒屠杀清教徒的事件也成为历史。“puritan” 也可以把它理解为一种生活状态。
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