关于写便条的英语作文篇一:请假条:往往指由于生病或特殊情况不能亲自当面请假,用假条的形式告假。所以,请假条大多是病假条。可以自写,也可请他人代写。写假条最重要的是说明原因和请假的期限。Jan. 10thDear Ms. Jiang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this mornings two...
Dear Mr Green ,I don't feel well today,i have a bad cold. i have a cough day and night.The doctor adviced me that i should stay in bed .i am sorry that i can't go to school.i hope i will get well soon and then i can go to school as soon as possible.Your ...
Note for leave Dear Mr./Ms Wang,When I went home last night, I got wet in the rain because I forgot to take the rain coat. I feel a heavy headache this morning and went to the doctor. The doctor told me that I had a cold and he ask me to rest for some days. So...
trip to Beijing. Therefore, I need to leave for two days. Special request, the teacher approval.Leave people:March 15.翻译:尊敬的老师(老板) :因为,我的母亲突然发病,高烧,住院治疗,人们需要照顾.我父亲也出差去北京.因此,我需要请假两天.特请老师(老板)批准.请假人:3月15日.
Dear teacher,I am feeling very well this morning.I think I've caught a cold and need to see the doctor.So I'm asking for 1 day leave.Please allow my request.Thanks.Yours Xiaoming 亲爱的老师,我今天早上感觉不太舒服。我想我感冒了,要去看医生。所以特向您请假一天,请批准。学生...
April 27, 2011 Subject: Casual Leave of Absence Dear Sir,I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today, I've caught a cold because I went back home in the rain without umbrella yesterday ,so that this morning I had a headache. After taking my temperature, my ...
Dear Teacher My name is XiaoMing,i not feel well today as i have get a bad cold.The doctor told me to stay is bed.I think i cannot go to school for three days and i would like a threedays leave from you,I will get well soon and go back school,thank you very much....
my mother to the hospital. Please approve my application.Li Hua 中文翻译 亲爱的老师,我妈妈昨天下午在路上不慎滑倒,导致骨折,行动不便。不巧的是,我爸爸刚刚去了纽约出差,到下周五才回来。所以我想请明天上午半天假带我妈妈去医院。 请老师批准。李华 我自己写得,望采纳~ :)...
My dear teacher Mr./Mrs.:I am greatly reget to tell that I will not be able to take your courses for I will go back to my hometown by train this afternoon.Please forgive me to say those to you and don't worry about my work.I will ask my classmates to help me with ...
假设你叫Tom,你昨天在学校游泳池游泳患了感冒,今天早上觉得头疼,你母亲给你量了体温后,发现你发烧,便带你去看医生,医生说你需要卧床休息两天,特向老师请假。给老师写一张70—100字的请假条时间:2005年6月8日。One possible version:June 8, 2005Dear Sir,I'm sorry to tell you that I ...