


初二的一些英语题目 求解答!!

四.1you'd not better go to the library.2.what does the alphabet "S" stand for?3.I paid him for repairing the computer.4.Wloud you like repalcing my position to take part in this activity.5.what's the latest news on the newspaper.三.1.took 2.decorate 3.to repair 4...


in the past 是短语“在过去”,当然如果去掉,句子仍然成立,因为时态已经表示在过去了,加上也不算错。留长发有两种表达,“be long hair”和“have a long hair”(注意此处的“hair”是看成一个人的所有头发,前面要加“a”表示这个人的一头头发)。


1. 昨天晚上你用多长时间来写作业?How long did it take you to finish your homework yesterday ?2. 你今天做家务用了多长时间?How long has it been taking you to do the housework today ?3. 他已经在这儿呆了两小时了。He has been staying here for two hours .4. 她从十二岁起就...


1,You’ve got so many fiction books. Could you please lend me ___ to read?A) anything B) any C) something D) some 答案选 D) some 一些 2、The two boys were walking along the river ___ they heard a shout for help.A) although B) since C) when D) as 答案选C) ...


takes by car (take...to...,送...到...)6、doesn't he (时态应与前面的has一致)7、The number of is (这里考察的是当数字25作为一个number出现时,谓语应当使用is而不是are)希望对你有帮助,另外多看看语法书,多阅读一些比较简单的英语短文增强语感,有助于提高做这种题目的能力。


1.to go 2.swimming 3.Turn into Maths English 4.protagonist 5.grow 6.have been away


1.I is a letter.(翻译:I是一个字母。)2.the hands(指针) of a clock。3.short。4.broaden。Add letters "b" "e" "n".5.Time table时刻表 6.Vegetables蔬菜 7.Heat, because you can catch cold easily.8.9(nine)9去掉尾巴就变为0,就没有了。9.The letter "a", because it ...


想要学好英语,一定要多做练习,以下所介绍的初二上册英语第一单元同步练习,主要是针对每一单元学过的知识来巩固自己所学过的`内容,希望对大家有所帮助!语法练习 A. 单项选择 1. — do you have a class meeting?—Once a week.A. How much B. How often C. What time D. ...


1,love 2,in 3,for 4,(1)They will plant more trees to improve the environment.(2)What does yellow stand for?(3)We are going to do more exercise to keep fit.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。祝你进步。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
