



1. the last two words were writed hardly. we don't know what's this implys 2.when it comes to force,xiangzi shouldn't beat the elder as well as a girl 3.this noon mow,farmland/clutch/cottages are all lay on the bright and quiet land 4.she quivered in angery and ...


2、你提到的这方面在解决这个问题上的确很重要 The respect you pointed out is really important to solve this problem.3、最重要的能源形式是电能,它广泛地运用于我们的日常生活之中 The most important energy sources is Electric Energy,that was widely used in our daily life.4、昨天在购物...


1. I am not a generous person, has never been.2. See it! She is the truth, she is the reason!3. You do not listen to me explain how can we know the truth!4. I hate people lied to me, understand?5. Not what I want to give up, but I find these feelings of ...




你认为孩子们的学校比你那时的竞争力强了还是弱了?为什么?3. Do you think that people today have more choices to make today than in the past?你觉得如今人们的选择比过去多了吗?4. What are the typical choices people make at different stages of their lives?人们在生活的不同阶段作出...


然而,进化阶段上的短距离,即另一个非物理疆界出现了,它存在于物理疆界之外。3.The act of laying claim to and defending a territory is termed territoriality.要求领土和保卫一块领土的行为被称为领土主义。4.In short, a dog has fixed points to which he returns time after time, depending...




呃,我们英语老师真的很无趣。你看,他通常还没上到15分钟,课堂上的学生就已经无聊到打瞌睡了。20,If you can't fall aslleep at night,you may count the sheep.That may work.如果你晚上失眠,可以数羊。也许有用。21,Due to Tom's joke,the discussion came to life and went on in a ...


4.the longer...the less 这项调查发现,人们逛商场的时间越长,就越不能控制自己的购物欲望 This survey found that the longer people spent time in shopping malls, the less they could withhold the desire to shop.5.someone as...as 我相信像她这样勤奋的人肯定会很快的克服她在英语学习方...

躺在你怀里 几个句子 英语翻译

1 她就想躺在你怀里,听你讲故事 She just wants to lie in your arms and listen your stories.2 他搂紧了, / 他松开了,那个小男孩 He held the boy tightly./He released the boy.3 把鞋带系紧点 / 系松一点 Tie your shoe tie tight./Tie your shoe tie loose.4 ...
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