





18. 表达式:y=4x+1.和X轴交于(-1/4,0) P15 1-3 B C A 4.m=2 P16 学以致用 (鞋码那个不对,应该是y=1/2x+5)能力挑战 1. x=-1,y=3 2. 值为675 P17 4.(1) y=1.6x 八年级寒假生活指导答案 英语园地:P18 c: 2.Healthy 3.vacation plans 4.transportation 5....


英语:p21 A:dictionary 1、boring 2、cousin 3、excuse 4、hotel 5、lunch 6、many 7、Sunday 8、uncle 1、sale 2、school 3、science 4、see 5、short 6、spell 7、star 8、swim C:2、things around you 3、colors 4、making new...


八、一、1-5BCDCD 二、1、Have heard 2、taught has worked 3、talking 4、see 5、working 三、try our best to 2、raises for 3、finished doing 4、people in need 5、at least 四、1、It's necessary to 2、take part in 3、support a lot 4、seemed that win 5、without sleeping 五、1、...


8.他们过着争吵不休的生活,所以他们决定分开。a cat-and-dog life 争吵不休的生活 41.a white night. 白夜, 失眠的夜晚,不眠之夜 2.a white elephant 大而无用的东西 3.a white crow 稀有的东西;珍品 4.the White House 白宫 5.a white lie 无恶意的谎言 6.White flag投降 7....

7年级暑假生活指导英语答案 山东省教学研究室编

P37 右侧 put put cut cut hit hit read read let let beat beat hurt hurt cost cost keep kept sleep slept sweep swept teach taught catch caught bring brought buy bought think thought begin began drink drank ring rang sing sang swim swam sit sat lend lent send sent sp...


What's the date today?(今天几月几号)Summer is beautiful,but spring is my favourite season.(夏天是美丽的,但我最喜欢的季节是春天)We usually visit my grandparents on the weekend.我们经常在周末去看望我的外祖父母)I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.(我在晚上7点吃晚饭)Zoo...


最后,吠叫的狗吓走了狼,挽救了羔羊。答案 1 聪明的羔羊 2 A smart lamb 阅读思考 1 lamb, wolf and the shepherd 2 sunny morning 3 foot 4 because of the sheep in the wolf 5 the shepherd.6 barking dogs scared off the wolf ,save the lamb 请采纳答案,支持我一下。


山东版寒假生活指导答案(八年级) 打开之后第一页标题是生活导航,然后在右侧有个框,里面内容是“合理上网防沉溺”... 打开之后第一页标题是生活导航,然后在右侧有个框,里面内容是“合理上网防沉溺” 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释?13969620075 2009-02-07 · TA获得超过...


P8填:1.She has red spots on hevfuee she haschen pox.我有事,拜~~~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
