



A senior student named Shinichi Kudou is a famous detective.oneday to be affected by two poison when he examinted something.so his body to shrink like he was young.He wants to find these two black wearing man ,so he used the name: Edogawa Conan.and to hide his real status...


Conan is a very young talented detective.He is so smart that he can tell the murderers from the innocent people.He has a special-made football and a skateboard.He uses them to solve many difficult cases.He was young so he must need his uncle---Moli's help to finish the ...


side help margin small five lang crimes, side track with his body becomes the mysterious black organization clues of the story.名侦探柯南始创作于1994年,目前仍在连载中。每年4月柯南还会出一部剧场版,今年的剧场版第十一个前锋将于9月25日在中国上映,希望和我一样喜欢柯南的同学们能去观看...

名侦探柯南的英文介绍introduction of detective conan

Case Closed, also known as Detective Conan (名探侦 コナン, Meitantei Konan?) in Japan and other countries, is a detective manga and anime series by Gosho Aoyama which has been published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine since 1994.The series depicts the cases of a young private ...


求求大家帮我找到名名侦探柯南的英文介绍,我急用!一定要英文哦,最好从作者,背景,剧情,等介绍!谢谢!... 求求大家帮我找到名名侦探柯南的英文介绍,我急用!一定要英文哦,最好从作者,背景,剧情,等介绍!谢谢! 展开  我来答 3个回答 #话题# 打工人必看的职场『维权』指南!凛喵喵_茶汪汪 推荐于2017-09-...


the series. IGN commented how the series is not going anywhere and is always returning the status quo. They criticized the English dubbing and the changing of character names to American sounding ones.收工 words count 636. 凑合吧... ...P.S.柯南英文版的人物名字 真是搞......


《名侦探柯南》(日文:名探侦コナン;英文:Detective Conan;美方英文:Case Closed)由日本推理漫画大师青山刚昌创作,自1994年在《少年SUNDAY》杂志连载以来,至今仍在持续更新。这部作品融合了悬疑、推理和幽默元素,深受全球粉丝的喜爱。从1996年起,该作品的动画版也陆续推出,吸引了无数观众。值得一...


《名侦探柯南》(日文:名探侦コナン;英文:Detective Conan;美版英文:Case Closed)是日本漫画家青山刚昌的一部以侦探推理情节为主题的漫画作品,讲述了高中生侦探工藤新一被神秘的黑衣组织灌下代号为APTX4869的毒药后身体缩小为小学生,因此隐瞒身份,调查组织的同时不断解决各类案件的故事。初始创作于...


experts. Whether any event, the truth always only one!!我叫工藤新一,是专门解决棘手事件的高中生侦探。有一天不幸被黑衣组织灌下了毒药,身体因而缩小,变成了江户川柯南,虽然变成了小学生,头脑可是没变,是个隐形的推理专家。不管任何事件,真相永远只有一个!!参考资料:在线翻译......


名侦探柯南的英文名称是 “Detective Conan”。“名侦探柯南” 是一部非常受欢迎的日本动漫系列,讲述了一个小学生侦探柯南破解各种复杂案件的故事。这部动漫在日本以及全球各地都有很高的知名度。其英文名称 “Detective Conan”直接翻译了原名,并且很好地保留了原作的精髓。在英语国家,人们也通常用 “...
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