



Determination: Determination 的意思是某学术机构学院或其合理授权代表依法拥有最终的立规或行使权,而其他技术性批准或批复都是形式上的(选则权?)Joint Action: Joint action 的意思是在做确凿的行为和决策时需要征得该机构学院或其他一些附属部门的正式同意。消极错误的行动可以被学院、董事会、行驶部门...


2. You made me understand.3. Missing is a kiind of torture.4. You made me become stronger.5. I will remember whateveryou have given to me.6. Finally, wish you be happy all day.7. See you in the dream.


1.We may ride the 952B public transportation to go to the people's square. 我们可以乘952B公交车去人民广场。2.We may ride the subway 2 lines to go to the Zhongshan Park. 我们可以乘地铁2号线去中山公园。3.We may ride the magnetic suspension train to go to the Pudong interna...


ROM dole husband first saw Emma was her distinctive temperament deeply attracted. Suddenly he secretly determined to this woman approachable, he is very confident he can succeed, because he is rich. ROM dole Cardiff exhausted rhetoric is Emma god faint conversed, her vanity quickly swe...


When the sad want, we are united; tears when the blood do, we help each other.This is no longer the tears of sorrow, but deep tears, tears are a strong, we are troubled distillation of the love of the motherland.Sudden disaster, days and nights of fighting, crying, and ...


在我去英国的这夏天之前,我总是认为西方食物比中国食物要好吃得多。但是在我的旅行之后,我改变了我的想法!当我抵达英国的时候,我住在一所学校叫做欧恩公园(很不幸地,麦可欧恩 没有住在那里)。我有攀缘蛋,熏猪肉,香肠,薄片和橘子汁作为第一天的早餐。


it should be seen as an advantage of literary. Making things too concrete will only prevent readers from finding richer meanings, If an author takes all the initiatives, readers will not have the room to fill in the blanks. For example, in "Divine Comedy", Dante appointed h...


★本人坚决不用软件翻译★ 【提供翻译如下】:1.It's close to the centre and it's quite cheap-for London.▲那儿离中心不远而且对于在伦敦来说价格相对便宜。2.She"s very nice, a bit shy, but very intelligent.▲她人很不错,虽带有几分羞涩但却相当聪明。3.She cooks great Chinese ...


Mainly there is the processing product of various environmental protection water ………..Wait.Take market as center, take science and technology as to lead first and make personal guarantee with the outstanding product quality and the top-grade service certificate, found the industry of ...


reduce business cost, leap realizing the Electronic Commerce environment Xia Ying pin.Key words: 4 P: (Product, price , channel , sales promotion) 4 C: (The customer , cost, are convenient , communicate with) CRM: Customer Relationship Management fidelity degree 如果是你要的,请给...
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