



安徒生的英语介绍:Born in a poor shoemaker family in Odense, Andersen was baptized in St. kunud church and lived a poor childhood. Father is a shoemaker and mother is a servant. In his early years, he studied in charity school and worked as an apprentice. Influenced by his fa...






安徒生简介 Hans Christian Andersen (1805--1875), the famous Danish fairy tale writer of the 19th century, the founder of the world literary fairy tale, the representative works are "ugly duckling", "little girl selling matches", "new clothes of the emperor", "thumb girl" Etc...

安徒生简介(英文) 初中生用

admitted to University of Copenhagen. Did not find a job after graduation, mainly rely on the money to maintain life. 1835 began to write fairy tale, after 8 years of struggle, and finally in the drama "Aerfu sol" plays talents.安徒生文学生涯始于1822编写剧本。进入大学后,创作日...

安徒生的简介 英语作文

安徒生是丹麦作家,男,17岁时开始发表作品,24岁时作品开始受到社会重视,总共创作童话168篇。题材大都从他经历过或目睹过的社会生活中提取,真实地描写了穷苦人民的不幸遭遇,揭露和讽刺了反动阶级的凶残和愚蠢。他的许多作品已成为世界各国人民传诵的不朽名篇。Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, male, ...


Hans Christian Andersen ,from Denmark, was born in 1805 and died in 1875。He did not go to school but to study sewing technique for his poor family. He experienced early life in the society. In his 14 years old, he worked at a theatre. With the help of some caring ...


. The queen who graduates dedicates self to literature (literature) , he persists in writing a novel , poetry and song waits. He makes great efforts to create , wins very big successes. He creates more than 160 story all self's life together , passes away in 1875 ...


Hans Christian Andersen often referred to in Scandinavia as H.C.Andersen; April 2,1805 – August 4,1875) was a Danishauthor and poet.Although a prolific writer of plays,travelogues,novels,and poems,Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tales.Andersen's popularity is not limited...


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