
完成句子(就一句) 急~~~



1.get our cellphones charged 2.double his efforts


6. What is over there?7. How much milk is there in the glass?

英语完成句子 要快!急!

为你解答。我在忙着烹饪很多不同的东西。(I'm busy cooking) many different things.牛奶隔夜变馊了,所以不能喝。(The milk has gone sour overnight),so we can't drink it.他的梦想是将来某一天能够成为一名宇航员。His dream is to be (an astronaut one day).玛丽去她奶奶家了,...


1. Mary一见到她弟弟就会告诉他这个消息。Mary will tell her brother this message (as soon as) she sees him.2. 我一买回来哈里波特就会给你看的。I (will give) you Harry Potter(as soon as) I (buy) it.3. 我一回来我妈妈就开始做饭。My mother (started cooking) dinner (as soon ...


will be able to set aside time Whoever is the last to leave the room how important it is The fact that he said Whatever I said that more and more consumers purchase things online What they have in common what makes this store different Staying calm (你句子中的is应该是in)


1.be catched 2.seating 3.buy 4.was smoking 5.with


五颜六色的贝壳悠闲的洒落在金黄色的沙滩上晒太阳 妈妈终于给我买了一件上衣和一条裤子 他焦急的对我说让我快点走,一会儿就要下雨了

完成句子,急要!!快! 1.对于我,一个好朋友喜欢和我做相同的事情 ___me...

1.For,the same things as 2.do you think 3.get good grades,are good with 4.sounds fun(interesting)5.camping for holiday 6.have a sore throat 7.has a toothache 8.eating habits 9.I try to eat lots of vegetables.(你的原题可能有误,我是根据汉语写的。)10.look after 11....


about)We should be optimistic about our future.7.天真热!我想喝冷饮(what感叹句;fancy sth)What a hot day, I'm fancing cold drink.8.一个女人的服装是她外貌的一部分(a part of;appearance)A woman' cloths are a part of her appearance.晕 早知道这么多人就懒得打了。。。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
