1我们正期待看到这个新政策被实施,它已经引起很多人的关注。We are expecting this new policy to be carried out because many people has paid attention to it.2约翰答应来参加我的生日聚会,但直到现在他还没有出现。John promised to attend my birthday party, but he has not turned up yet ...
The armed cop walked to the entrance of the airport.Though it was raining cats and dogs, she still arrived at the railway station on time.
1.Located in the north of Jiangsu, picturesque scenery, fresh air, less pollution than the big city。2.There are many spacious new road.It's more quickly to go to the other city .3.There are many skyscrapers on the road of both sides . It's mostly 5 - 15 l...
1.Long-time watching TV is harmful to children's eyes.2.In my opinion, playing basketball is more popular than playing football.3.Reading helps us to acquire knowledge.4.We should not lose faith under the trouble.5.Internet is a good approach to obtain latest information....
results!这使我明白有付出就会有收获。And this is something I've done to make me realize that you will always gain what you pay.我希望我在今天的决赛中也能有出色的表现。我相信,我能行!Hopefully, I will compete on my best effort. I believe I can!参考资料:个人意见 仅供参考 ...
Who orgonizes this movement?2. 和谁一起去?Whom are you going with?3. 去美国多久?住哪儿?How long are you going to stay for? Where to live?4. 知道具体行程吗?出发和回程时间是哪天?住宿安排?What's the detailed schedule? Which day do you leave and go back? Where to ...
1.Something meaningful.2.What suprises me is that he agrees to my plan.
him from doing so.7.麦克一回到家就迫不及待的打开电视(can't wait to do)Mike couldn't wait to turn on the TV as soon as he got home.8.我们两个都不想去看电影(feel like)We both don't feel like going to a move.这是地道的。希望帮到了你。我是加拿大人,英语母语。
翻译:进行体育运动—Play sports,去买东西;购物—Go shopping; shopping,按顺序—in order。然后我们可以把这几个词语带进平常的句子中来看可以更好的理解和记忆,比如:进行体育运动以增强体质。 Do physical exercise. Sports are beneficial to building our bodies.下次你去买东西,多买点水果蔬菜...
1. 即使我有时间,我也不会和他联系。Even If I DO have the time, I will not contact him.2. 我们国家在战争中起到了重要作用 Our country made a significant difference in the war.3. 因为他的变化,我都人布会醋来他了。Because his change...4. 尽管他现在知道了时间的重要性,但...