



1,I can't find my luggage, I want to report the loss 2,Excuse me, were you came to pick up XX ?3, Excuse me,where would be our first turn ?4,Can I know the name of what you want to pick? and Need I show you my ID?


1.做实验 Perform experiment / conduct experiment/ carry out experiment 2.邀请…做… To invite somebody to do something 3.吃饭 TO have diner / have meal 4. …的另一种说法one the other hand of something 5. 变湿 To get wet / get damp / get drenched 6. 科学方法 sc...

翻译成英文,1 2 3小题。

Desk have a computer


voltage [5vEJltIdV]n.[电工]电压, 伏特数 voltage volt.age AHD:[v½l“t¹j]D.J.[6voultid9]K.K.[6volt!d9]n.(名词)Electromotive force or potential difference, usually expressed in volts.电压:电位或电位差,常以伏特为单位 core [kC:]n.果核, 中心, 核心 ---...


翻译如下:A.Help for Old People.翻译:帮助老人。B.Music Teacher Wanted.翻译:招聘音乐教师。C.Help with Sports in English.翻译:英语运动小助手。A We need help at the old people 's home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play ...


“第二”的英文翻译是:second,一般它是一个序数词,但second作名词时还有另外一个意思是“秒”,一秒两秒可以简写成1s,2s,这里的“s”就是second的简写。second 有形容词性,意思为“第二的,次要的”;也有副词性,意思为“第二,其次”。有时为了不让second有歧义,如果second在句子开头,一般...


1. Outside a muffler shop: "No appointment necessary, we hear you coming." 消声器店外:不必预约。因为我们听到了你的到来。(暗示因为店里有了消声器所以很安静,能够听到外面的动静)2. Outside a hotel: "Help! We need inn-experienced people."旅馆门外:帮助!我们需要请有酒店经验的...


我平时喜欢看好莱坞电影。I usually like to watch Hollywood movies.尤其是蜘蛛侠。Especially Spiderman.每一部我都看过。I've seen every episode/one.我最喜欢的演员叫希斯莱杰。My favorite actor is Heath Ledger.他是澳洲人。He's from Australia./He's Australian.他演的电影都很好看。All of...


1.你好 我非常高兴能认识你这个朋友,你是我的第一位外国朋友。我非常珍惜这份友情!Hello,I'm very glad to make your acquaintance.You are my first foreign friend.I treasure the friendship very much.2.关于你要在南京租房子的事情,我正在帮你打听。有适合的房子我会和您联系。我也会尽我...

帮帮忙 、翻译英文 !1.朋友 2.姐 3.六苏 4.亲人 5.好友

friend sister lucy family good friend machinery classmates
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
