



5. 熟练操作WildfirePro/e5.0 、AutoCAD绘图系统平台及计算机常用软件。能独立设计出整套模 具,包括2D组立图、加工图、3D拆模等。主要设计笔记本系列,电饭煲,投影仪及打印机,复印机等办公设备塑料模具。Proficient in operating WildfirePro/e5.0, AutoCAD drawing system and common computer software....


现在更有水泄漏的问题。软管出售后几乎不到两个月,便出现这种种状况,也正因此,上千的产品被退回,建筑商们都索取赔偿。They want us to pay the technicians who had changed the hoses!他们要我们缴付工资给那些更换了软管的技术人员。参考资料:自己译的。意思上不尽完美。希望帮得上忙吧。


1. English has been very important in my job, it bring me better space for development and higher salary.2. Learning English well can enlarge one's range of social which can help to learn more things.3. English learning improve your diathesis.4. Learning English can make your ...


毫无疑问,分工只要不是距离太远,会是组织工作的一个有效途径,更少的人能生产更多的针,亚当斯密看到了这一点,同时理所当然的认为劳动分工本身能够促使(原意为负责)经济增长和发展,它将填补经济增长和旧工业之间的区别 (这句我翻译的不是很明白),但是劳动分工并不添加新的东西,只能够让人能生...


所有的单词和短语,希望你把上下文一并写出来。否则翻译的肯定有偏差,还不如你自己去查字典来的准确。2.他说他们太害怕所以不敢回去,因为Ouattara的军队仍然留在Guéré族小镇,作为新的国家部队的一部分。4.而对我来说,我还不准备回到Ivory Coast(象牙海湾)去,即使这样做会让我在此度过12到15年...


花了些时间手工翻译的,相信您也是看得懂好坏的。1. This emblem is formed to a shape like 5 sheep similar to a torch with graceful and uprising lines,simpolizing the sacred flaming ceremonial fire of the Asian Games will burn forever ,never died out.2. The mascot of the ...


purchase.请让我知道你是否有其他的疑问或关心的,不然,我们建议你联系的银行去确认预付款最后是否退回!我们尽百分百地确认和努力,你不会为这次购买被扣费!Thanks again for all your support, and I hope you have a great weekend!再次谢谢你的支持,我祝你有个愉快的周末!Best Regards,...


This paper from interference of light, and light diffraction of light from the electromagnetic theory experiment and theoretical revealed the light volatility. Blackbody radiation and the photoelectric effect etc. Phenomenon revealed the light also has particles sex, namely the light has wave...

谁能帮我翻译翻译?急!!!不要用翻译软件,最好是英语好的帮一下忙啦!万 ...

This article focuses on students with math problems, who are intelligently capable but still do bad in math due to inappropriate learning habbit, neglect of concentration, opposition to school or teacher, etc. The practical identification standard for them is a significant lag in ...


7、For were the body defiled, it would be likely to be purified and sanctified, rather than polluted.要是身体真的能被污染的话,那他很可能得到了神圣的净化,而不是被污染了。8、that perhaps is putting it a little strongly, but you certainly get the point.那也许说的有一点点太...
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