
帮我翻译一段对话 谢谢


谁能帮我把这一段对话翻译成英文啊?谢谢各位了! A:你知道么,一会C要来...



翻译:简:听起来不错。但是我也喜欢画画。Bob:Then join two clubs,the story telling club and the art club.翻译:鲍勃:那就加入两个呗,讲故事和艺术俱乐部。Jane:OK,Let's join now!翻译:简:就这么定了,我们现在去报名吧!一、help 1、含义:v. 帮助;有助于;促进;擅自拿取;(...


A;我们应该怎样保护树木?How do we protect the trees?B;有很多办法,我们可以植树,少用铅笔和笔记本.A number of ways; we could plant trees and use pencil and notbook as less as you can.A;那是不是也应该少去采伐哪?Does that mean we should avoid cutting too many trees?B:那当然,...


This year's Spring Festival is on January 31, 2014. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of our country. On January 28th, father, mother and I drove back to his hometown of baoji. New Year's eve night, our family reunion together, watch the Spring Festival gala, ...


1.A: Knock Knock Knock ~ ~B: Please come in.A: Manager, May I ask you a question?B: Of course! What's the problem?A: Ok. These days I have heard some rumors that the company is considering to move the whole financial department to Hungary, is this true?B: I don't...


A: "Will you to be my mistress?"B: "I would be willing to do you a mistress!"


可以自己感受一下我的译文~ 相信我~邮箱要发什么?阳光化作呼吸 Sunshine hided in my breath 转瞬之间 In an instant 轻轻拂过 having kissed me on cheeks 呼吸化作私语 Breath turned to be whispers 回眸之间 In a glance 静静掠过。having slipped by in silence 木马依旧旋转,Our merry-go-...


可惜,过去了都过去了,不可能再像以前一样了,但无论怎样,我永远,不会忘记和你一齐的日子 Unfortunately, it had been past, and it won't be the same as before. But anyway, I will never foget to be with you, forever.不管日后大家变成怎样,我都希望你能找到一个非常懂你的朋友,No ...


The child is a strong hope, is the source of family happiness, is also a natural family center of attention. Self confidence of children can bebrave in the face of difficulties, in the face of learning problems, theybelieve that their own forces, can adopt the mentality and the...


1)…1.2 acreages… > 读 one point two acreages 2)(年份)…1981 to 1995 > 读 one nine eight one to one nine nine five 3)最後读完可以加 this is the end of my sharing/presentation.我自己翻译时系用present tense 呢个时态, 有没有问题?如果你仲有咩问题可以再问我.希望可以帮...
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