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Acid oxide commodity: acidic oxide Pinyin: suanxingyanghuawu English name: acid (IC) oxide Description: acid oxide is a kind of can with water transamination acid or alkali transamination with salt and water oxide. General is a non-metallic element of transition metal oxides and ...


and the factors affecting the attitude of customer loyalty from many aspects. Finally, it concludes with some strategical proposals for comprehensively improving the customer loyalty.工具翻译的有些地方一点不通,所以给你从头翻译了了The Research Strategy To Improve Customer LoyaltyFaced with a...

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PRESSURE HYDROGENATION OF PLASTICS 塑料的高压加氢过程 Making use of the principal advantages of reaction technology in the hydrogenation of plastics, we have, as a specific objective, aimed in our work at a reduction of the reaction parameters such as pressure, temperature, hydrogen ...

急求翻译.英文高手进 高分悬赏!

excellent condition for such development. Tourism has become one of the largest and most robust developing industry in the world economy. This essay sums up the Chinese tourism industry's characteristics and analyzes the future trends with qualified data.绝对没用翻译器!不像楼上的 Along...


我承认我用的翻译软件 楼主看着给分吧 Rodent on the insecticide within the Office of cockroaches and mice problem has been bothering us for some time, in addition to killing after a month of intensive after already showing results. Click here to report specific information. According to...




In information age's today, the computer participation enterprise day-to-day business management has become the enterprise modernization the urgent matter. the information communication platform is the typical information management system, its development including backstage database establishment,...

重庆简介翻译 高分求助 有追加!!

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述:希望专业一点,谢谢。追加分 重庆,古称巴,原本是一个古老的部落属地,其历史迄今已逾3000年。西汉时改称江州,隋、唐、五代、北宋时称渝州。北宋末期曾有短暂时期称恭州,至南宋光宗赵淳,先封恭王,后继帝位,所谓“双重喜庆”是也,与登基当年下诏书改恭州为重庆府...


艺术是人类社会文明的瑰宝。在历史的长河里,艺术和科学仪器推动着人类社会文明的进步。不仅如此,艺术记录着人类的发展史,使历史的载体。Art is a treasure of human civilization. In the long stream of history, art and scientific instruments have been pushing the progress of human civilization....
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