



There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes ...


Dear Li Peng,How are you going? I'm sorry to hear that you are not good at English,I'd like to offer you some advice.First of all, you should recite the words as more as possible and read the articles regularly.The next , it's a good way for you to speak English ...



英语作文 给你好友写一封信,告诉它一些怎么学习好英语的建议

回答:Dear Jane, I am glad to hear from you.You asked me about the tips in learning English.Now I'd like to say someting about it. First,you should choose the right study method,or you won't achieve anything no matter what efforts you have made.Second,you should read ...


1, As far as I know, there are three good ways to improve English. To write a news diary everyday, to watch English dramas with English subtitles and to sing English songs.2, I think you should keep practicing English with the three ways as much as possible.3, If you ...

英语,急用 写一封信给你的朋友给他一些学习英语的最好建议 使用以下表 ...

写作思路:可以将方法和建议一一罗列出来,比如首先,兴趣和毅力。第二,阅读和听一些与水平相符的英语原著。第三,用于说英语。最后一点练习,熟能生巧。正文:Firtstly, interest and perseverance. English learning is a long and arduous process, and only the interest can make you adhere to ...


me .After class, I always review lessons and sing some chants. Reading a good English newspaper is helpful. We should speak English with our teachers ,our classmates and even with foreigners. We should insist on speaking English every day 采纳我吧 我们写过 我给你打出来很累啊~...


Yesterday, we had an interesting English class. There were a group of American college students visiting to our school. Therefore, they acted as our English teachers yesterday, and the teacher of my class was Roan. He is twenty-two years old and he comes from Los Angeles. He ...


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