
急急急!!有谁读过Bernard Malamud得作品The First Seven Years,麻烦您...


急急急!!有谁读过Bernard Malamud得作品The First Seven Years,麻烦您...

and the shock gives him a mild heart attack. He stays in bed for three weeks, and on his first day back at work he realizes he has no option but to seek out Sobel again. He visits Sobel in his one small room,

求Bernard Malamud的the first seven yeas 的中文翻译

Feld, the shoemaker, was annoyed that his helper, Sobel, was soinsensitive to his reverie that he wouldn't for a minute cease hisfanatic pounding at the other bench. He gave him a look, but Sobel'sbald head was bent over the last as he worked and he didn't notice.鞋匠菲...


Cormier, Robert. The Chocolate War.Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage.Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe.Delany, Sarah and Elizabeth. Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years.Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield.Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations.Dickens, Charles. A ...

Bernard Malamud The model

“You can change in the bathroom, I would say, Miss Perry, or if you like, my own room – down the hall – is empty, and you can change there also. It’s warmer than the bathroom.”The model said it made no difference to her but she thought she would rather change in the bathr...
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