



1.It's too cruel that you abandoned the disabled children 2.This university's high academic level is absolutely beyond dispute 3.Whether they are absorbed in learning is the teacher concerns


屋里没有人出来开门。金先生敲敲房间的窗口,叫妻子开门。他大声叫喊,但是妻子并没有醒来。最后,金先生停止叫喊,思考了一会儿。接着,他用一种小孩子的口吻说道,“”妈妈,我想上厕所。“他说的不响,但是金太太立马就醒了。于是他叫她开门,金太太为他打开了门。^^ 参考资料:自己翻滴·~~~·...




the unhappiness of his childhood has been a scar in his heart forever


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Geographical position of Britain to continental west of the Atlantic, the latitude at50degrees north, by the North Atlantic Drift ( the warm North Atlantic ) Regulation and westerly winds throughout the year, cool in summer and warm in winter, all the year round with rain. The ...

哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下对话。 不要电脑上的在线翻译,我想要人工的...

D:谢谢,你们太夸奖我了,你们也要经常来我家做客,我还会做很多菜给你吃的。D: thank you, you are too praise me, you also will often came to my home, I still can do a lot of food to eat for you.A:真是太好了。A: that's nice.B:你们要经常来哦。B: you must often ...

高手帮忙翻译一下。。。 谢谢啦

If someone eats and dresses up well,Do you think that he is happy?8.他刚进公司就取得非凡成绩,使得所有的员工对他都刮目相看 He achieved great results on entering the company,which made all the staff treat him with increased respect 楼上的是机器翻译的~有不会的可以再问我 ...

英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子吧 急用 谢谢

2. I have never been absent, except when I was so sick I needed to stay home or go to a clinic.3. I am engrossed when the lesson is very interesting. I don't get distracted.4. I have difficulty remembering new words unless I repeat them over and over.5. I'm not ...

请高手帮忙翻译一下下面这段话~ 中译英

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
