



第二天她醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。[1] [2] 下一页 【课文讲解】in the darkness happen:不及物 sth.happen to sb.What happened to...nearly:将近 nearly a week: 快到一个星期了 Sometime later...Three days later,my mother returned. 强调某人做某事 。。。passed and then.....


33课:第一句主句是:Nearly a week passed, 连词是:before, 从句是:the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. 这个是时间状语从句。倒数第2、3句都是定语从句。最后一句是由when引导的时间状语从句,逗号后面的是主句。34课:第4句逗号前面是宾语从句,从why看出来。第5句是宾语...


1. 这里是被动语态,基本结构就是be +过去分词.而由于是过去,所以用was.不是可不可加的问题.如果不是语态问题的时候.be是不可与实义动词一起使用作谓语的.2. 介词要不要加要背的。3.towards 本来的拼法就是这样.


1. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. (lesson 33)light 后的she had been 2. Among them will be Debbie's mother, who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.(Lesson 36)逗号后的who swam the Channel herself when...


that指前面(从第2句话开始)描述的内容。she remembered为all 的定语从句,关系代词that(不能用which)被省略了。语法Grammar in use用于表示方向和目的地的介词和副词(也被称为小品词)(1)表示“上”、“下”的两对小品词是on和off,up和 down:Jim's standing on the roof. I hope he won't fall off.吉姆...


2.新概念英语第二册Lesson33词汇 1.pass与past (1)动词 pass的过去式为 passed,过去分词为 passed或past。当它作及物动词用时,可以表示“经过”、“通过(考试)”或“超过”等,作不及物动词用时可以表示“(时间等)消逝”:You passed me without even noticing me!你从我身边经过时居然没注意...




答:A 译:在水中呆了整整一个晚上,然后她才游向岸边。析: 这是新概念英语第二册第33课后中国人根据原句Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. 编的选择题。其实并不是什么好题目,是主编让他的一些学生编的,有些题目是有问题的。这里的having done sth...

新概念英语2 第31/32/33/34/35课摘要写作答案 越快越好!

Lesson 33 Out of the darkness The girl set out from the coast one afternoon and was caught in a storm.Her boat struck a rock,so she jumped into the sea.She swam eight miles that night.She reached the shore early next morning.She had seen a light high up on the cilffs ...

新概念英语2 第二单元 33课 课后题答案

Lesson 33 1. d 根据课文第2-4行One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat... Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. 可以推测出只有 d. for about four hours(大约四小时)最接近女孩在船上所呆的时间. 因为她下午起航,将近傍晚时...
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