



the third-biggest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America (BofA), an erstwhile Lehman suitor, in a $50 billion all-stock deal. American International Group (AIG) brought forward a potentially life-saving overhaul and went cap-in-hand to the Federal Reserve.即使以至少...


The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing real estate crisis and financial crisis triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States, with major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe. The crisis, which has its root...


Lasting more than one years, the American housing market crisis gradually extended to the whole financial system to be a financial crisis all over the world, in which progress every conuntry is included.Being customed by market economy, most western countries are not convenient to rel...

金融危机 英语文章,高中水平的就好

It will last a long time.It tought us an important lesson.First, the world wide trade system not only has advantage but also has many disadvantages.Second,we should not depend on the abroad market too much,or we'll be influnced by it deeply.Besides,we shoud promote our own ...


能不能帮我找有关这次金融危机的英语文章快点谢谢是金融危机的原因的英语文章原因!!... 能不能帮我找有关这次金融危机的英语文章 快点谢谢是金融危机的原因的英语文章 原因!! 展开 5个回答 #热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪?循环盒子 2008-12-08 · TA获得超过164个赞 知道答主 回答量:194 采纳率:0% ...


所以遇见百年不遇的金融危机,倒下最快的往往是发展扩张最快的企业。没有准备过冬的衣服,夏天即便你身体很好,冬天你照样会冻死。美国的三大汽车巨头就是是现金流枯竭而举步危艰。 能活着就有机会。危机,危中有机。这种机会不是常有的。这是有充足资金的企业以最低成本,兼并、扩张的最佳机会。也是小企业赶超大...

求有关 金融危机 题材的英语作文,英语四级以上水平的,120-150字左右...

but the nature of capitalist greed unchanged. When capitalism in pursuit of capital and maximize the benefits out of control, it produced a kind of virtual economy is greater than the total economic volume results. When the results of the increasing support that the virtual economy ca...


关于金融危机的英语演讲稿 Watch the financial crisis had not so much the words are because of a sudden accidental events (times loan crisis), it is better to say that the United States economy in the high growth rates, low inflation and low unemployment rate of the platform ...

跪求一遍次贷危机(金融危机)对中国影响的英文论文(3000 字左右)_百度...

跪求一遍次贷危机(金融危机)对中国影响的英文论文(3000 字左右)  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 可乐树,是什么树? 可可仙境 2009-05-14 · TA获得超过1610个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:728 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:168万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 The subprime crisis to China's...


迫在眉睫的金融灾难引起了相当多的政治关注。上周四,一群国会领袖听了财长保尔森和美联储主席伯南克所描述的,当国会不通过这项全面拯救金融危机的方案,经济上将会出现的可怕场面。那时,不仅仅是抵押贷款,甚至连助学贷款和买车贷款可能都很难获得。经济将陷入严重的衰退。For this reason, ad hoc ...
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