



1.You must single-mindedly to me 2.You can only be good to me,and only love me.3.If I was angry,you should make me happy.4.Even if you got angry,you must make me happy 5.If i am not happy,you should not leave me alone 6.If you are not happy,you must tell me...


Hello! 2023 is almost over, Christmas is coming soon, in this happy holiday, I wish you good health, family happiness, Merry Christmas! At the beginning of the year, China finally announced the official end of influenza, and after the epidemic was unsealed, the whole people were...


Pick to The graduation design task originates from life and wide application, but molding difficult, die structure is relatively complex, mould staff is a good test for the country. It can strengthen plastic molds principle understanding, while exercising on plastic molding design and ...


不管怎么样,最后我还是成功了.2.I'd like a cup of coffee without mlik.我想来一杯不加牛奶的咖啡.3.I'd like you to meet my father.我想带你去见见我父亲.4.He is my good friend ang he is now workingin a Canadian company in Beijing.他是我的一个好朋友, 现在北京的一加加拿大...

帮我翻译一下,谢谢 (英文高手)

消失很久的感觉又回来了。我不清楚是渴望还是别的感觉,反正还是令我激动的。Once so deep love ,but through time disappeared ,I thought it became light , however , I am vast and hazy when that feeling appears again.曾经有过如此之深的爱,但是随着时间推移慢慢消失了。我觉得可能是变轻了...

请英语高手帮忙翻译一下 万分感谢! 不要翻译器翻译的 再次感谢! 明天要...

Our dormitory lived eight people. We lived together for more than two years, so came. We according to the age of claimed his sister. Elder sister second sister and third sister from vegetable township - ShouGuangShi. They come home every time will bring us shouguang turnip, ...


3 你可以在中国各个角落发现欧洲游客 4 许多人仍然在居住条件极差的环境中生活 5 瘾君子应该去医院接受治疗 6 许多年轻人梦想去外国学习 7 我们必须让小孩远离火 8 她成为了一名歌手,实现了她的梦想 9 如果你开车的时候超速行驶,警察就会让你停车并且给你一张罚单 10 我们从网上获得大量信息,那...


perhaps you would like to ask me, my English name is what? I am very solemn you tell, I do not have English name. In my opinion a real Chinese people do not need English, I learn English only in order to enable more powerful my country! But I really enjoy very much En...


few:很少、几个,这里做否定意义,表示没有。后面that···要和前面连起来,这是个完整的定语从句,that后面是对peace的描述,不过既然你没什么疑问,我就不说了。travel to和tucked away前面已经说了,不重复讲了。好了,完工,惯例求采纳,谢谢~...


我想得到贵公司更多的材料,希望收到您的回信。谢谢!sincerely,此致 salute 敬礼!Sincerely yours 最后重申一遍,楼主,这个求职信本身就是翻译机搞出来的。。。其态度恶劣可见一斑。。。翻译这种没头没脑的文章可是比英语还要难。。。楼主您看看就采纳吧。。。要是有分加点就更好了。。。呵呵 ...
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