
有新概念英语第三册单元练习答案吗?就是IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO...


有新概念英语第三册单元练习答案吗?就是IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO...

If you promise not to mention it to anyone else, I'll tell you a secret.Have you said your prayers tonight, Johnny?He told me a lie.She said nothing to me or to anyone else.I always tell the child...

新概念第三册(新版) if you can do this test go on to unit 1 和2的...

2 If you leave milk out in the heat, it will go sour. 3 In winter here it grows dark by 5 o'clock. 4 If you fall ill while you're here, you must see a doctor. 5 If all my dreams come true, I shall...

请问新概念英语第三册if you can do this test go on to unit1(2,3...

If you promise not to mention it to anyone else, I'll tell you a secret.Have you said your prayers tonight, Johnny?He told me a lie.She said nothing to me or to anyone else.I always tell the child...

新概念英语 三册 IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO ON TO UNIT 1/2/3 答案...

http://wenku.baidu.com/view/4e262719fad6195f312ba6d3.html### 百度文库 答案就在这里


2 If you leave milk out in the heat, it will go sour.3 In winter here it grows dark by 5 o'clock.4 If you fall ill while you're here, you must see a doctor.5 If all my dreams come true, I shall be...

求 新概念英语第三册 所有PRE-UNIT TEST的答案

TEST 2:a. going, seemed, had (no sooner) gone, rang, was, spending, got, dressed, was, got, were, hurried, had been walking, decided, was just opening, discovered, was, had set b. had been ...




帮忙把新概念英语2册的第1单元前面的那个考试试卷答案给我,就是If you can do this teis go on to unit 1。第3页到第5页的答案,如果好的话,我加高分~~~!!! 展开  我来答
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
