
求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译


求《Black Sheep》歌词的中文翻译

噢 噢 噢 噢 Oh, oh, oh, oh--- 噢 噢 噢 噢 I got lots of jealous lovers that all wish they had me back 争风吃醋的情人们把我轮番挽留 Got a pistol for a mouth, my old mama gave me that 来自老母的手枪能随时将我结束 Making my own road out of gravel and some wine ...

翻译Strawberry Fields forever歌词

让我把你拿下来, 'cos 我正在去草莓领域。无是真正的和无拿 hungabout。草莓永远地回答。生活很容易具有被关闭的眼睛, 误会你所见到的。它正在变得困难是某人,但是它全部工作出,它对我不多有关系。让我把你拿下来, 'cos 我正在去草莓领域。无是真正的和无拿 hungabout。草莓永远地回答。我想的...


Especially when you smile it's something worth of those miracles你的微笑就是奇迹And especially when you talk, you talk尤其是你说话的时候 Especially when your down the silhouette of it's touching你弯腰时候影子的触感 And especially when you yawn, you yawn尤其是当你呻吟的时候 Especially...


Scarborough Fair Are you going to Scarborough Fair?你这是去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,那是个青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方! (直译为欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香,百里香) Remember me to one who lives there,代我问候一个朋友,She once was a true love of mine.她是我的挚爱。


【经典音乐】Fairy tale 《传奇》英文版 歌词及中文翻译如下:It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸 You only had to look at me and I was yours 你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了 And then I turned and you were ...

求Prince《Purple Rain》的歌词翻译

I never meant to cause you any sorrow.我从为想过给你带来任何悲哀!I never meant to cause you any pain.我从为想过给你带来任何伤害!I only wanted to one time see you languhing !我只想看到你一次欢颜!I only wanted to see you languhing in the purple rain !我只想看到你在紫雨...


歌名:Yellow Submarine 歌手:The Beatles 所属专辑:Yellow Submarine Songtrack 作曲 : Lennon, McCartney 作词 : Lennon, McCartney In the town where I was born 在我出生的那个小镇上 Lived a man who sailed to sea 有一个远航出海的男人 And he told us of his life 他告诉我关于他的...


I'm so confused , so I want to drink some wine 我实在是困扰, 所以想去喝点酒 男: Drink some wine, you’re too young to buy 喝点酒? 你不够年龄去买。男: I’m not the boss 我不是大老板 I don’t have the big house 我也没有大房子 If I buy you rose 如果我...

《Try Everything》中文翻译及歌词?

这首歌也表达了成功背后的艰辛和不易。歌词中的“Nobody learns without getting it won”和“You never know what's going to happen next”等句子都揭示了成功的背后是无数次的失败和挫折,但正是这些经历让人们不断成长和进步。总的来说,《Try Everything》是一首充满正...


《加州旅馆》自面世开始,立即就引来很多的质疑与批评。尽管谁也不敢夸 口说自己的理解是正解版本,但歌词中明显的吸毒、性乱、邪教等暗示还是引起 道德卫士的不满,并且在美国数州受到宗教团体的杯葛。不过,《加州旅馆》歌 曲中那成经典的吉他旋律、诡异莫名的歌词内容、感人心弦的悲世情怀,使得这 首《加州旅馆》...
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