
求一篇英语作文,内容是 是赞成还是反对过洋节。开头已给出



一般咱们在写到图画类或图表类作文时,首先应该描述图画或者图表的内容。可是很多同学不知道该用怎样的句式开头,以下几个句式,大家可以学习:1。 As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon …2。 As is shown in the pie chart…这两个句式用as引导的非限定性定语从句引出图画或图表内容,意为“...

帮我写一篇英语作文.题目:Stop Destroying Our Earth,开头已给出,80词...

SAVE OUR EARTH The Earth gets more polluted everyday.So Earth Day was founded.Everyspring,people all over the world participate in Earth Day events.They plant trees and they promise to save energy and water.Earth Day is regared as the first environmental movements.It gives us the ...

写一篇以Saving Siberian Tiger为题的英语作文 开头已给出:Do yo?

写一篇以Saving Siberian Tiger为题的英语作文 开头已给出:Do you know the beautiful siberian tifers? 内容提示: 1东北虎强壮漂亮,是人们去动物园最喜欢观看的动物之一 2现在世界上仅存3000只东北虎,它们的数目越来越少 3东北虎处境危险的原因:人们砍伐森林、东北虎没有栖息地、 4保护东北虎的建议...

帮忙写一篇我有许多美好的愿望的英语作文 开头已给出是I hope

I hope I can be a volunteer.The Universide is held in Shenzhen.I want to do something for Universiade.I hope my parents are healthy.Parents always worry about us.So we must learn to feel grateful.I hope that I may be a sucessful man.So I must begin efforts.Finally,I ...


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