
求一篇英语口语对话what should we do to take care of our Mother Ear..




As a student,what can we do to protect the environment?_百度知...

wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problem...


They don’t want me to go to parties, either. They say it won’t do good for my studies. What should I do? Can you give me some ...6. It is very important to take care of our environment 7. We should not throw litter onto the ground 8. We should not spit in a public...


2. 以Food Festival写一篇作文 Kitty: Miss Guo,I read in the newspaper yesterday that the SPCA needs some money to take care of homeless animals. I think we should raise some money for them. miss Guo: That's a very good idea, Kitty. What should we do to raise money for them? Ali...


J: What's that for?C: One of our qualified teachers will interview you so that they can find a class that suits you best.J; Do you have a brochure about the course that I can take home to read?C: Sure. Here is a brochure about our English classes that meet in the ...

求一篇以“what should we do to prntect wild animals?”为题的高...

what should we do to protect wild animals As is known to us all,animals are our true friends. Never should we human beings aim guns at them.Some measures must be taken to protect them.To begin with,governments need to set laws to forbid hunting animals,which could offer them ...



求 英语口语资料

Take care.^请多保重。Forget it.^算了吧。We'll see.^再说吧。What can I do for you?^要我帮忙吗?I'm sorryI'm late.^对不起,我迟到了。...What's the purpose of your visit?^你来访的目的是什么?I feel the same way.^我也有同感。All I have to do is learn English.^我所要做的就...


英语对话,急急急~~~` 20 找一篇英语口语两人对话,要求5分钟左右,随便什么都行~!~!随便考试用...But what should I do?SALLY: Well, the first thing you should do is make sure it's not ...SARAH: When we finally decided to ask someone, they told us we were in Grangerfield. TRISH:...


求编英语对话。一共6个。好的话可以追加分。 Topic1MemoryAcomplainstoBthatheforgetsthingseasily...you promise me to work hard!A: ah... let me have a think of it...B: then we're ...A: What should be done in this circumstance?B: They should take it easier from heart ...
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