



2.她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她做手术。She rather reluctantly agree to let a young doctor to operate on her.3.我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法来。I really hope you man come up with a better solution than this one.4.他讲了个故事来说明为什么在详细查看其条款之前...


I have a warm and happy family,my father is still working while my mother is retired,they are both over 50years old,I hope they are always healthy.2.我毕业于广播电视大学 I graduated from the Videocast University.3.我的性格很开朗 I am sonsy by nature.(我觉得这种表达简单又实用...


2、用法 interview通常解释为“访问”,而不作为“接见”的意思。因此Peter interviewed Mecheal是“皮特访问麦克”,不是“皮特接见麦克”;“interview”可作抽象名词,有“面试”,“会谈”的意思。How was your interview with Michigan?你跟密歇根大学的人面谈得如何?四、conduct 1、含义:n. 行为;...


14、过得很快乐(have a good time)15、没关系!(It doesn't matter)16、多谢!(Thank you!)17、把某物取出来(take sth out)18、在星期日的下午(on Sunday afternoon)19、唱一首英文歌(sing an English song)20、朝窗外看(look out of the window)21、脱下大衣(take off the ...

请帮我翻译一些句子啊!!!谢谢啊!!!高二英语.,很急啊!!!谢谢!!_百度知 ...

1、他开会故意迟到(by intention)He was late by intention for the meeting.2、你能把这封信由德文翻译成英文吗?(translate)Can you translate the letter from German to English?3、他把这次讲话从西班牙语翻译成英语。(translate)He translated the speech from Spanish to English.4、她试图...


Guo Lifang butter, and then put the chopped onion, Stir the fragrance, pour the tomatoes small stir fry.Then add the basil, black pepper, salt, whisking constantly, fires soup hand dry into a sauce.Plus a small amount of salt in the water, put the pasta out after 10 minutes...


这次经历当然会很值得,不过得花上半年的时间。This experience is definitely valuable, but it will take up half a year's time.这次度假当然会很美妙,不过得有人接替我的工作。This vacation will be wonderful but I need someone to take over my job.你看,他先是去享受旧金山的金沙滩,...


1.英语不难学.Learning English is not difficult/easy.2.教室里有30位学生.There are thirty students in the classroom.3.世界上有许多人使用汉语.There are many people in the world who use Chinese.4.我能帮助你干那件事吗?Can I help you on that?5.我在中学时就开始学英语.那时我不太...


借助“迅捷在线翻译”中“文档翻译”功能,将文档上传,根据需要设置翻译参数选项,点击“开始翻译”按钮即可。 如图: 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 匿名用户 2009-07-03 展开全部 1. I and Mary often have differences, but we still are good friends. (Disagree) 2. Language ...


权威答案!1. I have to go.2. Shall we take a picture together for memory 3. You moved me so much 4. I am so moved.5. You are really nice to me 6. It's really my pleasure to meet you, but I don't if I still have chance to meet you next time, maybe never....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
