



Little Red Riding Hood的故事开始了。第一场,是在Little Red Riding Hood的家。妈妈正在整理篮子,准备给生病的祖母送水果。Little Red Riding Hood欢快地跑进家门,问妈妈正在做什么。妈妈一边将水果放进篮子里,一边心事重重地说着祖母生病的事,嘱咐Little Red Riding Hood把水果带给祖母。第二场,...


英语短剧:小兔子乖乖 人物:Little Duck,Miss Cat, Miss Rabbit,Mr Dog 旁白:Little Duck要去看望外婆。一路上他又唱又跳,高兴极了。在小河边,他碰到了Miss Cat。Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Miss Cat.Whatre you doing?Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck.Theres a big fish in the...


Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Miss Cat.What are you doing?鸭子:你好,猫小姐。你在干什么?Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck.Theres a big fish in the river.Im hungry,but I cant get it.猫:你好,小鸭子。那条河里有一条大鱼。我很饿,但是我不能得到它。Duck:Dont worry.L...




英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B---BearTiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die ...


四个人的,对白比较简单.阿拉丁神灯 The Tale of Aladdin Characters角色: Aladdin(阿拉丁), Genie(神灯守护神), Jasmine(阿拉丁妻子), Sultan(Jasmin的父亲)SCENE 1 Genie: Ah, good evening to you my friends. Yes, Welcome to my Land of mystery! Yes, I come from a land. ...


to do the housework.Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得 your own houses. 为自己盖间房。Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。Be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。

4人 初一 口语 英语 短剧

T师徒四人上台来。S拎着行李,M握着金箍棒在前面探路。四人走到台中,T举手示意三个徒弟停下歇息,仿佛有话要说。J1: ( 向B招手) Bring me my Magic Ear.(耳朵凑上去偷听T师徒四人谈话)Act3,音乐《西游记》T: Monkey! I’ve told you a million and once times,that our journey to the ...


英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B---Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once,...


Break a fly on the wheel A: Look, I just had a letter from my old friend C. He lives in Beijing now. He has a trouble and wants me to help him as soon as possible.B: It’s urgent and is must it must be very important. I also want to see him soon.A: I think...
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