
求答案11、Be careful, because that knife is very


求答案11、Be careful, because that knife is very ___.(1分) A...

17、You should concern yourself with what is said, not what you think ___B___. (1分)A、ought to be said B、must say C、have to be said D、need to say 18、Now too much ___A固定搭配品___ is paid to and too much money is spent in keeping pets while people in ...


19、Be careful, because that knife is very ___.(1分)A、sharp 20、His book was much better than similar books ___ before him.(1分)C、written 21、Judging from the report, we can ___ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year.(1分...


19、Be careful, because that knife is very ___A___.(1分)A、sharp B、fast C、hard D、quick 20、I was on ___B___ last week and didn’t receive your letter.(1分)A、vacation B、Vocation C、action D、venture 21、___A__ his help, I would not have finished the...


]27、Judging from the report, we can ___ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year.(1分)C、assume 28、The criminal ___ from prison after serving his sentence.(1分)B、was released 29、Be careful, because that knife is very ___.(1...


Be careful with that knife,it is sharp.

Be careful with the knife, ___ you’ll be hurt.

B 试题分析:句意:小心刀子,否则你会受伤。祈使句作条件状语,表顺承用and或then连接,表转折用or连接,根据句意此处表转折,故选B。


刀子很快。小心别割伤你自己 The knife is very fast. Be careful not to cut yourself 刀子很快。小心别割伤你自己 The knife is very fast. Be careful not to cut yourself


1. You're looking sharp!你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。Sharp常用的意思有下面几个:1) 锋利的,快的,尖锐的,eg. Be careful with that knife – it’s very sharp. (当心那把刀子——它很锋利。)2) 清楚明显的,eg. The tower stands sharp against the clear sky. (那座塔巍然屹立,...

be careful of造句

be careful with造句:You are careful with my cat。你对我的猫很关心。We've got to be careful with everything we do。我们做任何事都要仔细。Be careful with that knife.It's got a keen edge。小心那把刀子,他有锐利的锋刃。两者区别:be careful with表示做某事时很小心、仔细或对...

be careful to do sth,be careful about doing sth有这个短语吗_百度知 ...

有。careful|ˈkeəfl|adjective ①(prudent)谨慎的 (gentle)小心的 to be careful to do or about doing [something]小心谨慎地做某事 careful of that nail!当心那枚钉子!be careful with that knife!用那把刀时要小心!望采纳!谢谢!
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