



7 Being sad, she doesn't feel like doing anything.沮丧时她不想做任何事.

英语翻译 简单的句子汉译英

4把孩子都叫到树下,好吗?5已经7点了,你该上学了.6每个教师节她都给她的老师们送花.7请为我的成功祈祷吧.8污染正在损害我们的健康.9小女孩正在抚摸她的狗.10 你在找什么? 我在找书.11 那个男人戴着面罩,所以他闻不到花的味道.1 She and her sister are very different 2 Although we are...


【翻译】They usually go to school by subway after breakfast


1.-What were you doing when the gang broke in?-I had turned off th TV and was going to bed.---那伙人闯进来时,你在做什么?---我关了电视,正准备上床睡觉。2.With the development of science, more new technology is being introduce to the fields of IT.随着科学的发展,越来...


4,American,i expained in a rush ,and i live over the hill,and i was just seeing if there was a pond,and farmer Crowford had said it was okay,and anyhow,i was on my way home,so goodbye.4,美国,我解释过在一个繁忙,我居住在山上,我只是看到如果有一个池塘,和农民...


we don't know each other well.3.这里没人会讲法语 No one here can speak French.--- 1.I run as quick as Mary does 我跑得和玛丽一样快 2.The supermarket sell many different things超市卖各种不同的东西


1. I want to know whether she came to the party tonight 2.我确信她一定会来如果她有时间 2. I'm sure she will come if she has time 3.我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿踢足球 3. I prefer to stay at home rather than play football 4.他警告我们不要在街上踢足球 4. He warned us ...


Neither of them were on the scene last night, as I saw them in the bar.2 怀特先生有一个非常大的农场,农场里养着20匹马和15头奶牛()Mr. White has got a large farm, and 20 horses and 15 cows are fed there.3谁能想得到所有这些傻事都是你做的呢()No one will suppose it'...


4 Look alert, poised and friendly. When that interviewer looks into the waiting room and calls your name, he and she is getting a first impression of your behavior.要


He cannot serve pass the net.2.有没有人接待你 Do you have anyone meeting you?3.那箱子供我们当桌子用 That box is used as a table by us.4我有点累,你来替我驾驶好吗?I'm a little tired, can you drive in my place?5.我叫比尔时,他一下转过身 When I called for Bill,...
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