



keeping pets is forbidden in my family.Now I want to raise a snake because it is a cool idea. But again my parents disagree. Animals are like human beings,


你要翻译的是这样的:1. As a credit card customer credit card on behalf of the Department's work is to provide credit card services, including complaints, the card, consulting, gift distribution.My main work is based on customer calls, listen to the needs of customers, clients an...

哪位英语大神能帮我翻译一下这篇文章,拜托要真人翻译,不胜感激_百度知 ...

just after the end of the Qing Dynasty, so people's clothes for Chinese traditional clothing, mostly single color of coarse cloth, neither warm nor pretty no functional. And one hundred years after today,


She had to go Today she came to tell me She acquired on the go! Going home and will never come to Canton, this time with no chance to secretly really good reluctant When she said she was leaving I completely broke down Feel heart is dead I know that she go to our relati...


Culture is the soul of tourism. The profound culture and ancient unsophisticated customs of Sani Ethnic and the natural miracle of Stone Forest make compliment to each other. The unique language, wedding and funeral customs, costumes and colorful embroidery, folk songs and dances, ...


Us, good condition;us that age is not small;we want to love;but we are still single, why?Because we have good conditions,so we just so-so;we like,and either missed or have flowers and grass are the main;like us feel that the lack of a feeling.So, we reported that the...


aren't even a teenager yet!你还不能算是青少年 Your hearing rules!你的听觉太好了!You're either quite young or you've looked after your ears.要不然就是你还很年轻 要不然就是你把耳朵保护的很好。The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 19.9kHz 蚊子发出来...


with my problems,and I appreciate it.翻译:我会弹钢琴,而且弹得很好,我很喜欢弹。我还会唱歌跳舞。我不会拉小提琴。我也不会游泳,这很困难。我认识的人对我很和蔼。他们帮助我解决问题,我很感激他们的帮助。help with是帮助的意思,例如:He helps me with my English.他帮助我学英语。


哪位大哥牛人能帮我把这篇英语翻译下啊,能找到翻译也一样,我找不到,呵呵有点长~~A&P by John Updike A&PbyJohnUpdike文章实在是有点长,我贴不下了,不好意思啊... A&P by John Updike文章实在是有点长,我贴不下了,不好意思啊 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 先人一步,探秘华为P50宝盒 michael...

我有一篇文章。要做PPT 。要英语版的。谁能帮我翻译一下。谢谢啊~好心...

看完了故事之后,我觉得商人太愚蠢了,什么东西都要不顾一切的背着,一点都不知道自己的生命是什么。放下沉重的包袱,不为贪欲所蛊惑,择精而担,集力而行,人生之旅就会轻松起来……In this story, I think the business man is stupid. He wanted everything and didn’t know what was important ...
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