
求missA badboy goodboy 翻译谢谢!





我的自我介绍完了谢谢。And finally, I would like to say: father, mother and sister, I love you all! And there is more, my dear elder brother, I hate you!This is my self introduction, and thank you all for listening!已替你翻译好了,希望会令你满意。这的确是一篇了不起的...


My mood is very excited because I almost never met townee in New York. After a few standing, the young lady got off, leaving only boy still sit at my door. I can't help but ask him, he is from zhejiang zhoushan surprising saw my one eye, then nodded said. This moment...


i am a 19 years old boy, my name is john sani 我是19岁的男青年,我的名字叫John Sani。(old boy 男青年,大男孩)My father was a wealthy Cocoa and Gold merchant in SUDAN before his untimely death. After his business trip to Accra Ghana with business associates from Italy to...

Dell Boy Made Good的翻译

他发现一台500英镑的磁盘驱动器,将在商店出售一千八百八十二英镑。这一发现让他的思考,作为一个客户,寻求一个绕过零售商去买东西的办法。(@﹏@)~ 好累的,楼主啊,我手都快断了,还有一天就要中考了,看在我那么勤劳的份上,给我加点分吧,我不容易啊~~~(╯▽╰)谢谢啊!!

帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢了!!

Speed is a very important life coordinate.In fact,another life coordinate is changing at the same time.That is the sense of reality. The machines are very good at creating pseudo image.Many modern mythes is made by the machines.What is reality has been an answer that the era ...

求翻译 半小时翻译完给悬赏 语句要通顺哦 谢谢拉

史蒂夫的父母都是酒鬼,一个12岁的男孩,辍学。一年级的时候就很失败。他是被忽视,直到他遇到了有一天怀特小姐虽然他很喜欢这个美丽的老师,他还是失败了,没有做作业。于是,他是常被罚.一个周五,怀特小姐去了七年级的测试结果。 “你们都做得相当不错,”她给同学们讲,“除了一个男生,它打破...




1、那个男生对着教师的背后做了个鬼脸(make a face)that boy made a face to his teacher's back.2、她花了3个小时的时间才把家里弄得整整齐齐(in order)It costed her 3 hours to put all the things at home in order.3、他总是为他所犯的错误编借口(make up)he always makes...

谁知道这手歌,帮我翻译以下“catholic boy”《天主教男孩》这手歌的歌 ...

I was born in a pool 我出生在游泳池里 Left in my mothers stand 留我妈妈站在里面 I spat at that surgeon and his tremblin hand 我向那个外科医生和他颤抖的手上吐唾沫 When I felt for life, I was the nursery boy 当我感受到生活时,我还是幼儿园的一个小男孩 I stole the ...
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