经典经典,kang ta和燕姿也翻唱过,不过感觉原唱的更好听89。沙拉布莱曼-time to say goodbye。太棒的歌声了,专辑的同名曲《time to say goodbye》是由...这个唱的好听啊,感动ing。。。147。邓丽君-我只在乎你。推荐推荐再推荐,一定要听!!!148。4 in love-再见中国海。四个小女生唱的,极力推荐 已赞过 ...
'cause I'm living to love you,I'm living to love you.When you're gone it's not forever,'cause you're remaining in my heart,so tell me why i feel this aching,every time I think of you,when we're apart.Baby for all my life,don't you know that it's true,I'm ...
Somebody to love(中译歌词)It's time for love , Somebody to love 我在这里 开始刻画 崭新的时间 温暖的夜风 轻抚脸颊而过 正如跟某人度过的 那个夏天 受伤的梦 一个人无从治疗 至少希望这次的恋情 能化成爱 如果夏天的味道 不经意让人感觉到了宿命 我就愿意相信 奇迹与勇气 会降临 It's ...
少女时代九个人站一排唱的歌叫什么名字 很多的啊,let it rain,not alone,promise……我只能想出这些也许有也许不是,,, 求少女时代的一首歌的中文歌词...Time to blow it up 【Voice over】请你相信我 Right now 【泰妍】 不用问 不用想 去哪里 就跟着这路的方向 我给你加满急速力量 记得跟着步伐 【徐贤...
She wants to shine, forever in time.她希望永远闪耀在时间的长河中。She is so driven, she's always mine.她是如此地迫切,她永远属于我。Cleanly and free, she wants you to be,她希望你变得洁净自由,a part of the future, a girl like me.成为未来的一部分,成为一个如我一般的女孩...
Oh, to love anybody.Oh, honey i've got to talk about it now The way i tried to love you, baby,Honey, i just want you to know i tried.Oh, i know that there's a way Honey, 'cause everybody came to me one time and they said,"baby, you can do anything,You can ...
我渴望与你接触 A long lonely time 一个孤独漫长的时刻 And time goes by so slowly 时间过得如此缓慢 And time can do so much 时间可以改变很多 Are you still mine I I need your love 你还是我的么? 我需要你的爱 I I need your love 我需要你的爱 God speed your love to me 上...
不能分手的女人,不能离开的男人 Lee Ssang Walk Me Home Mandy Moore don't again不要再一次 dj总统 I'm Back 唐禹哲 避雨 任然 不分手的
She looks to the stars 他看着星星 Breaking time to follow the heart 打破时间去追寻感受 Her world is falling apart 她的世界一分为二 And the turning of every new page 还有新的每一页的转折 A book on a shelf that is there to remain 是遗留在阁子上的一本书 Breaking...
it s time to face the truth,但该是面对事实的时候了I will never be with you. 我和你永远无法相依朋友看你喜欢什么类型的啊我是喜欢古典的 或者慢些的轻快音乐要不就是大吵大闹的 象楼上说的linkin park还有Korn的但是我觉得莎拉布莱曼(就是和刘欢一起在奥运会唱歌的那个。