


50年前的深圳和现在的深圳 英语

shenzhen of fifty-year-ago and present/current shenzhen


50年前的深圳英语作文50字 速度 急急急急...


Now, there are many high-rise buildings in Shenzhen.现在,深圳有许多高楼大厦。


poor rish dirty clean


My hometown in shenzhen. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river ...


六十一年前,深圳最好的学校让外国的名胞瞧不起,现在,深圳的学校有的是人才。61 years ago, shenzhen the best school let foreign name cell despises, now, shenzhen school plenty of talents.六十一年前,深圳的孩子...


and more prosperous and powerful ,the people life also will be more and more fine.Believe that reformation opens in 40 ,in 50 in the day afer tomorrow to the outside world,China will be much better!

"深圳三十年前后的变化" 用英语怎么说

"深圳三十年前后的变化"英语是Change after before 30 years of Shenzhen.I have been in Shenzhen for ___ years, it has been a great memory in my mind.When I was young, I had expected to live in a mode...


I could not get good grades in English.Now,I have changed,I love writing in English and I got a full match in a writing exam last week.My all seccessing is because of my English teasher XXX.She(He)...


1、Our school used to be old and small, but it is new and big.2、There were hundreds of students in our school in the past, but now there are two thousand students studying here.3、The teachers used ...
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