



2010年8月7日,甘肃甘南藏族自治州舟曲县发生特大泥石流。On Aug 7, 2010,a powerful mudslides damaged houses in the landslide-hit Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China's Gansu Province.建议你可以参考这篇甘肃舟曲哀悼英语作文。http://www.zwjgy.com/zuowenzhua...

英语翻译 甘肃省舟曲泥石流造成道路被毁坏,许多车辆被困在路上_百度...

Resulting from the debris flow in Zhouqu,Gansu,many roads were ruined,and a lot of vehicles were trapped on the road.

英语翻译 2010年8月7日,中国西北甘肃省舟曲县突发特大泥石流,给当地群 ...

Powerful mudslide struck Zhouqu, a county in Northwest China's Gansu Province.On August 7th, 2010, Zhouqu was struck by a powerful mudslide. The disaster claimed over one thousand lives; houses were destroyed making many people homeless, water shortage, electricity failure and food shor...

英语高手进,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 。

A massive mudslide took place in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province today. As their fellow countrymen, we must help them survive and overcome the difficulties. I plan to donate my own pin money to them and hope they can stand up earlier....


county seat of Chengguan Township had declined by 40 cm, after floodwaters carrying mud and rocks submerged half the town in the small hours on Sunday, said Mao Shengwu, head of the prefecture.Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao instructed the government of Gansu ...

求一篇舟曲灾情的英文报道 不用很具体的细节,一个概况就OK了 最好...

求一篇舟曲灾情的英文报道 不用很具体的细节,一个概况就OK了 最好能有中英文对译 50分奉上!谢! 50 例如开头是:2010年8月7日甘肃省舟曲县发生特大泥石流,……后面最好能加一些感想和对灾区人民的哀悼……50分奉上,谢!不要用很多的专业词汇谢谢... 例如开头是:2010年8月7日甘肃省舟曲县发生特大泥石流,...

英语作文 如果我是志愿者(关于舟曲泥石流的)

where a disaster where there is warmth and love, more strong backing. Let us join hands for the Gansu People's refueling. 灾难无情人有情。从网上看到甘肃省舟曲县发生泥石流灾难的消息之后,我的心久久不能平静···作为边远小县的一员,虽然没有经历那一场场生与死的考验,但看到甘肃...


be rescued from an earthquake.rescue 意思是“营救”,多用于发生自然灾害的情况时的救援。获救,要用rescue的被动 be rescued 希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O


中文名称:泥石流 英文名称:debris flow 定义1:斜坡上或沟谷中松散碎屑物质被暴雨或积雪、冰川消融水所饱和,在重力作用下,沿斜坡或沟谷流动的一种特殊洪流。特点是爆发突然,历时短暂,来势凶猛和巨大的破坏力。 应用学科:地理学(一级学科);地貌学(二级学科) 定义2:突然爆发的饱含大量泥沙和...
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