
用carry out造句


各位急需2个CARRY OUT的造句

He was found out before he could carry out his plan.他的计谋还未实现就被人查获了

用carry out造句

No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。He balked me to carry out my plan.他阻止我实施我的计划。They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。

carry out 造句?要中文翻译!

An MSF doctor was reduced to buying a saw in a market to carry out amputations of gangrenous limbs.法国医疗机构MSF的一位医生为了给病人切断疽肢不得不在市场买了一个锯。 Humane care is the guide to carry out the humane quality education; the course teaching is important carrier of...

carry out的用法总结

出路”;作为动词的意思是“公布、揭露”等,造句:She ran out into the corridor.(她跑出来,冲进走廊)。 扩展资料 out用法:out可以用作副词:out用作副词最基本的`意思是“出,在外”


10、他凭借着聪明才智,能够轻松地carry整个家庭。11、Let's carry out this task together!12、He performed so well in the game that he almost carried the team alone.13、She can always easily carry a lot of luggage.14、I need to improve my skills to be able to carry more ...


complete的意思是完整的;完全的;彻底的;完成。完整的英文是complete。complete同义词是accomplish、carry out、achieve、perform、fulfil.complete造句 1、Everyone is waiting for the buyer to complete.所有人都在等待买主完成买卖。2、As long as everyone works hard, it is possible to complete the...


英文:carry out a death sentense;造句:1. 量刑是沟通求刑与执刑的桥梁,是实现刑罚惩治犯罪、保障人权、恢复社会秩序的前提。2. 当他们将殉道者处以火刑,那从炮柱冒出来的烟,先熏昏了那执刑的人。3. 伦敦塔的高墙之中,王子被暗杀,叛国者受折磨,间谍被枪毙,英格兰王后被斩首,最著名的执...


Oh, it's eventually going to be carried out~~carry out有实行、执行;完成、实现的意思。当然不能只用一次,最好是每个星期都说一次,直到完全掌握。最后,还有一种“变态”的方法,适用于那些对英语特别感兴趣的人,尤其是要出国留学的人。经常使用这种方法,即在床头、墙壁、桌椅上贴上小纸条,...

carry 怎么读英语发音

双语例句:1、You can't possibly carry all those bags.你绝拿不了所有这些包包袋袋的。2、The burglars took just about anything they could carry.窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。3、The work will be carried out at a future date.这项工作将来再做。4、He has carried out extensive ...


落到实处、心情安稳。基本解释:(1)使计划、措施、政策等得以实现 例句:生产计划要订得落实 (2)确定,决定 例句:交货时间还没有最后落实 (3) 实行 例句:落实政策以后,人民的生活水平显著提高。(4)心里踏实;情绪安定;落到实处;心情安稳 例句:这件事发生了以后,心里总是不落实。
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