



This is my beautiful hometown - Ningxia.这就是我美丽的家乡——宁夏。


My hometown inNingXia. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate. Now there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around...

英文介绍宁夏的旅游景点 宁夏旅游景点英语介绍

英语介绍宁夏:Ningxia is a small autonomous region in north-central China. It has populations of 6.3 million with area of 66400km^2. In the north, the Helan Mountains are the site of prehistoric rock carvings and the massive Western Xia tomb complex, with its 1,000-year-old ...

银川旅游景点介绍英文 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍

英语作文(宁夏的旅游景点)带翻译钟楼鼓楼,在银川市最繁华中心。 另外有西部影视城,很多大片都在那里拍的如:新龙门客栈,花木兰,大话西游等用英语介绍银川(英语80词以内)Yinchuan City, referred to as "silver" is the capital of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is the region's military...

宁夏英文旅游景点介绍 用英文介绍宁夏的景点

英语作文(宁夏的旅游景点)带翻译?沙湖,都道宁夏是大漠孤烟直,而沙湖又是镶在沙漠中的一颗绿 宝石。是一块非常难得的湿地,在这里,你可以看到沙漠和绿洲完美地结合在一起。还能看到很多的候鸟在这里繁殖。中卫市:高庙,值得一看,很有建筑特点用英语介绍我的家乡宁夏具体如下:Ningxia Hui Autonomous...


Ningxia is a Hui autonomous region of the People's Republic of China, located on the northwest Loess highland has an area of 66,400 km2. The Yellow River flows more than 390 kilometres through a vast area of its land. There are 5.62 million people in Ningxia.It is the home...


the yellow crane tower is one of the most famouse places and the old buildings in china .it set at the snake mountain in hubei wuhan.the height of it is nearly 51.4 meters.it was built almost before 1600 years and between BC1981 and 1985 was rebuilt by government.at first...


My hometown is Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It is a beautiful capital city.我的家乡在宁夏回族自治区银川市,它是一座美丽的首府城市。Helan Mountain is so magnificent, Shapotou and Shahu are even more pleasant.贺兰山是那么的雄伟壮观,沙坡头和沙湖更是景色宜人。There is ...


then known as the ghost Rong, Xian Yun (Yu-smoked, meat porridge) the activities of the nomadic tribes. Zhou Xuan Wang, in "Taiyuan" (Guyuan this area) household survey, shows that not only was there more of the population, but also has administrative system.宁夏回族自治区具有...

英语作文 我的家乡宁夏

This is my home A fertile place It has many places of interest It is famous for Chinese wolfberry It is known for Liupanshan This is my home town in Ningxia "
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