


谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这几句话。 通知: 关于我们班一起旅行 注意...

第二:早上7:00点,在学校大门口。请准时到达,因为我们在7:30Strted。Secondly, we'll gather at the gate of the school, pls wait there at 7:00 on time, as we will start for the journey at 7:30.第三点:温馨提示:请注意,小心游泳时,建议你有几个人在一起,而不是单一的单独游泳。


2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.5. The history museum is near the railway station.6.It is the house in which ma grandpa has lived.7.It is...

急求!!! 英语句子翻译一下!

世间满是锦衣玉食却难感幸福的人。---这句话所说的意思是快乐和富足的关系。That it's easy to get rich, but not that easy to feel happy.2.Death is not a period,but a comma,in the story of life.在生命旅程中,死亡不是一个句号,而是一个逗号。---讲的是人生的意义会在死后...


7\the other two days,she gets home early and we argue about whether she should do her homework,right after school,or if she should have some time rest and play first.前两天,她回家比较早,然后我们争论她是否应该放学后就做她的作业,还是该先玩一会休息一会 ...


我的朋友的狗吃的药为什么是片状的,而我的狗吃的是膏状的药.3.These needles must grip completely?这些针全部必须扎吗?4.When can my dog hit the chip.我的狗什么时候可以打芯片.5.In neck 在脖子里 6.How does dog's passport handle?狗的护照怎么办理?7.When is the next time?下一次...


the PhD of philosophy.4. The gangsters promise to release 4 hostages from the room.5.Although this coat is very expensive, he bought it.6.Because of careless,he got a failure in his final exam.7.English enables us to communicate with foreigners.自己翻译的,希望对你有所帮助!




5. We will be back in three days 6. In the past three years, I have learned about 2,000 English words 7. This morning he said that he want to Australia 8. Keep silent, it is time for school 9. Tomorrow if it rains, we will not go 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到...


you had better go by car.5.How many students are absent today?6.必须采取措施防止此类事故再次在这座城市发生。7.据我所知,第20频道有部英文电影。8.人们发现要跟上现代科技的发展进步越来越难。才转回来,没听说过pay an important part 啊,我估计是卷子印错了~你确认下呢,呵呵~...


5.她每天花两个小时做功课但昨天她只花了一个小时。She usually spends two hours to do the hoemwork but yesterday she spent one hour.6.这个电脑是北京制造的。This computer is made in Beijing.7.我们每天必须早起以便不迟到。We have to get up early to invoid being late.8.你认识那个...
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