1 Tracking a freight by agreement, store up and distribution the entire proceeding according to the project.2 Calculate logistics cost 3 Defend with fine customer cooperation relation , ensure service quality. Benefit of simultaneous guarantee company 4 Profit analyses renewal to the project...
2.前两年(2004-2008)在college完成两年课程.所读的专业是...(此页是正反面)2. the subjects finished in the first 2 years (2004-2006) at college, majored in: (please see both sides)(这里不是完整的句子, 根据你的意思)3.后两年(2006-2008)完成剩下两年课程.所读专业是...3. the...
International Institute of Internal Auditors in 2001 the 7th set forth in the definition of internal audit of internal audit revealed three major trends: First, to re-intervene in internal controls; 2 is to promote more effective corporate governance; 3 is the auditor's expectations in...
1.那令人伤感的回忆,总是在我的脑海中挥之不去 2.小时候,那经常有许多孩子流连的空地,如今也已经变成了高楼林立的地方 3.难道你就真的这么绝情么? 4.即使是我也不可能做得出来,就凭你? 5.从小就在这儿长大的你一定对这里很熟识吧! 6.别看他这么一个白发斑斑的老头子,他可是很厉害的! 7.无理取闹!
1. Manager Zhu, may I know which product are you interested in?2. OK, C8650 is our new product, I think you must have heard of its sale volume on the market before.3. The technologies of this product is most advanced in the world, its CUP performance is one of the best...
2 供方要求延后交货期,需提前通知需方 2. Should the supplier request to postpone the delivery date, it shall inform the buyer beforehand.3 供方与交货期限内不得突然违约(如:涨价 推迟交货期 拒绝生产”等行为)否则由此引发的一切责任由供方承当 3. The supplier shall not breach the ...
1 ヤカンに1Lの水を入れ 火にかけます。 往水壶中加入一升水,点火.2お汤が 煮立ったら パック 1袋を入れて 约3分位煮出して下さい。 水煮沸之后,放入一袋茶,大概煮三分钟左右.3火をとめに30分ほどおいて下さい。熄火后,放置30分钟左右 4 ヤカンからティ--パックを出して拾てて...
randomly choose three bags at every batch and break them to do the sampling test, and ther rest will do the intubation.
快点,急需要的! 字都看不清,做个毛线啊 外贸英语 急需要高手帮忙翻译下啊! 1. Commercial Negotiation - proceed with L/C if things are ok 2. The buyer to apply for L/C 3. The banker to issue L/C notification 4. The seller to ship cargo with documents submitted ...
宾语从句宾语的后置定语:in their favor (对他们有利的,有帮助的)后面一句结构如下:主语:the points (重点,要点;核心问题 ;形势/局势)主语定语:that would work in my favor (对我起有利/帮助作用)系动词:were (是)表语:what (什么)the points 翻译成,局势,或者形势,would work...