我就是我 You're the voice I hear inside my head 你是我脑海中萦绕的声音 The reason that I'm singing 我歌唱的唯一理由 I need to find you 我要找到你 I gotta find you 我定会找到你 You're the missing piece I need 你是我失去的灵魂 The song inside of me 我心中的乐曲 ...
the truth is that i do 真相是我还是想念你 i never stop thinking about you (bout you) 我一直都在想念你 the two of us are bound 我们两个是被绑在一起了 Now it seems like forever i can't get you off my mind 现在 似乎我永远不能从脑海中抹去你 (chorus)if i could wish ...
http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/moviesongs.html(下载页面)Megan Cavallari 是作曲 (芭比之真假公主)(tmarvolo提供)以下是我在一个英文网站找的该片的插曲及其演唱者(括号内是电影中的人物名)。1 Free - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)2 How ...
专辑歌词:http://www.aquamarine.nu/lyrics/af/barbieastheprincessandthepauper.html I Am A Girl Like You ERIKA:If I'd like to have my breakfast hot Madame Carp will make me pay And I have to fetch the eggs myself And the barn's a mile away It's cold and wet and still...
(以上是电影歌曲的序列最后一首,我不知道算不算片尾,其中的中文翻译参照百度百科,与中文版的芭比公主中文唱词不太一样,你可以去听一下,中文很清晰,听的懂的)如果你觉得这首歌不是你所想要的,下面是芭比之歌星公主所有歌曲的歌词Here I Am/Princesses Just Want To Have FunKEIRA:When I was young当我还年轻...
呵呵 我也是才喜欢上的,我找了好多的网站,结果全是视听而且有的是视频的,就算有也没有提供下载的。我查找了芭比森林公主的歌曲的作曲家找到了Megan Cavallari 在她的官网终于找到了里面的一首最经典的I need to konw的mp3原声,哈哈,并且自己下载了下来是mp3格式的,超赞!哈哈 有些佩服自己,我...
我小时候 唱歌玩玩 随口乱唱 没人欣赏 现在眼前 万众注视 突然之间 美梦实现 我有一种感觉 一切都很美好 我在这 实现我理想 秀出我所唱 不再犹豫 我定要 向火把燃烧 再把黑暗照亮 我往上爬 通往顶峰 把设的目标 要顶的更高 安排好了 突破模式 所见景象 有我主张 我从舞台升起 追求完美音乐 ...
And you're always free to begin again And you're always free to believe When you find the place That your heart belongs You'll never leave You and I will always be Celebrating life together I know I have found a friend forever more Love is like a melody One that I will ...
<I Am A Girl Like You> ERIKA:If I'd like to have my breakfast hot Madame Carp will make me pay And I have to fetch the eggs myself And the barn's a mile away It's cold and wet and still I get An omlette on my plate But in my head I'm back in bed Snuggled ...
here i am this is me 我在这儿这就是我 there's no where else on earth i'd rather be 这世上我只宁愿呆在这儿 here i am it's just me and you 只有你和我 and tonight we make our dreams come true 今夜让我们美梦成真 it's a new world it's a new start 新的世界全新的...