您的这些设计很有意境,中文选词也很唯美。但说实话,我见过许多英语的旅游网站,印象是网站导航用词都是很直白的,比如:HOME, ABOUT US, CONTACT US, FORUM, GUESTBOOK之类。不需用户去费劲猜测每个名词背后的意思。如果您的网站的英文用词是针对国际网民的,是否应考虑与这直白的惯例保持一致?请参见...
佛山冠博机械科技发展有限公司 Foshan Guanbo Machinery Technology Development Co. Ltd.但是,实际上这个工厂自己的名字是冠博,就像肯德基一样,而佛山只是说明公司的所在地,实际上不属于公司本身的名字,所以,我建议:Guanbo Machinery Technology Development Co. Ltd.,Foshan 科技,不用science and ...
have many friends, Chinese friends and foreign friends. Now, I want to introduce my foreign friends to you. Cherry is my best friend from Singapore, and she is a girl. She is very smart and beautiful. She likes singing, dancing and shopping. She is good at maths, English ...
3 logical predicates and translate the sentence: to prove or disprove the report.A ) the existence of three non-zero integer, the first two of the square and the square is equal to third.B ) the existence of three non-zero integer, the first two cubic and equal to third ...
the additive amount of the condensed soybean phospholipids was 3 percent.3.This paper compared the emulsifying effectiveness of soybean phospholipids combined with other emulsifying agents to diesel-chemical alcohol combined fuel: the experiment shows that the emulsifying effectiveness of phospholi...
Excuse me, sir, would you need a knife and fork.打扰您一下,先生,请问你需要刀叉么?用would表示语气委婉, knife and fork 刀叉是固定的组合名词 不能说成knife or fork。
Kultur---n.文化,文明(德)civilization---n.文明, 文化, 文明社会 culture---n.文明, 文化 不明白你最想要的是什么~~~
3.陶瓷,青石 陶器与瓷器是中国本土的文化之一,室内设计中融入陶瓷,给人一种穿越时空的感觉,仿佛置身于古代的文化氛围之中。同时,摆设大大小小,形状不一的陶瓷顿然能让餐厅“热闹”起来。3. Ceramics , Qing stone Ceramic is one of China's local culture, design integration into the ceramic ...