



1.Who is your old frend ?He is in Grade two Class one.3.Let us go and look at the new stamp..Where is her English teacher ?5.This man in the picture is Dick's father.6.Let's put away the cl...


1. A guide 2. With each other to introduce myself 3. A person their own files 4. Call a person as a ...5. The hair tied into a ponytail 6. To do a record on ...7. Rackets 8. The world's...


1. Two numbers differ by 57. Their sum is 185. Find the numbers. Choices for the smaller number:54 64 74.2.A bus went 318 km farther than a car. The car went one third as far as the bus. How ...


The mixture is 1 - 1/5 = 4/5 of the cup, containing equal amounts of orange, grapefruit, and pineapple juices, so in this part, each juice is (4/5)*(1/3) = 4/15 of the cup; orange juice ...


taking---putting 这个词组真不知道 设原价为X 公式:X乘以4/5=144 解得X=180 总共加水量 50%+50%=100% 和牛奶一样多( 但是考虑纯牛奶里面也含水的话那么还是喝的水多,不过小学题目应该不用考虑吧)...


a)AB=DC and AD=BC (given) so ABCD is a parallelgram(opp.sides eq.) so angle ABC= angle CBA (opp.angles of parallelgram) b)ABCD is a parallelgram so AB parallel to DC 参考: my maths teacher ...


the expression ax^+bx+6 has remainder 15 when divided by (x-1) and remainder 1 when divided by (x+1).find the values of a and b.6 given that (x^-1)is a factor of x的三次方+ax^+bx -4 ,...


英语 一。1.am;2.is;3.are;4.are;5.is;6.is 二。1.lives;2.eats;3.have;4.plants;5.make;6.play;7.cooks;8.sings,dances;9.watch;10.reads;11.go,went;12.do,visit;13.sweep;;14....


矩形壁橱的底面对角线长15/2英尺,短边长17/4英尺,这个壁橱的面积是多少?解:设壁橱底边的对角线为c=15/2,短边长为a=17/4,则长边为b=√(c²-a²)=√611/4,那面积 S=a·b=(17√611)/16 ...


原题是:The ratio of blue marbles to green marbles in a bag is 2 to 5. there are 25 green marbles. How many marbles in which color would you have to add to make the ratio 1 to 3?题意如下:在一...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
