1. We are engaged in a serious business.2. We should try hard to keep up to date with the society.3. Be keep in mind to express yourself clearly when dealing with customers.4. The international foreign company is very willingly to cooperate with Casio in the computer market.4...
1. 句子的意思是:修学士学位需要上4年全日制(的大学),修硕士学位则要上1到2年。这里的with有点类似于while的意思。2. 副学士学位(可能)可以替代学士学位前两年的学习,但前提是这个副学士学位属于转学学位。3. 不是所有的副学士学位都可以转学。4. 他们不被算入学士学位(的学分)中。3和4...
1. Your suggestion deserves to be considered further.2. Because his father is an important person he thinks he is superior to us.3. Young people should be encouraged to pursue careers according to their own abilities.4. Without excellent education there would be no advanced science ...
3. Please hold my order for several days. I still have something else to buy. I wish you can ship my order after the auction is over to save the shipping fee。3,先不要发货,等几天再说。因为我还有其它东西要买,等商品竞拍结束后一起发货,这样能节省邮费。4. I want to buy ...
3,我们的欧洲代表J. Needham先生将在本月24日到30日抵达巴黎,并且我们邀请他在此期间抽空拜访你。他将向您展示手工生产线的全部样品,并授权讨论订货事宜和合同的签订。4,我们将提供诱人的薪水和福利制度,并为合适的候选人提供相应的培训和提升机会。请将目前为止全部简历及期望的工资待遇寄至以下地址...
可用单引号(这是美国用法,在英国用法中,单引号在外,双引号在内)4)引语不止一段时,引号位于各段起始处和最后一段结尾处Michael said, "Let's meet at my house next time. "/"No, you cant, "she wrote. "It's impossible.on January 1, 1863, Lincoln declared the slaves "forever...
1. Priced raw materials floating ± 5% over adjusted accordingly.2. Packaging used for the circulation of home-made Tiexiang3.These are EXW ex factory prices.4.Does not accept the annual price cuts.5. Billing and payment methods: the renminbi transactions, billing, payment就是这些...
在这里介绍一下湖大的详细情况,湖大除了政治以外,其他三科都是自主命题。 1.英语语言文学835 初试题型:语言学三个简答题(15分),文学部分:10个选择,10个填空,4-5个名词解释 一首诗歌赏析(20分),两个文学问答题(20分)英美概况部分:10选择、10填空、10判断(三选二) 一篇英翻中,一篇中翻英 2.基础英语706 初...