



一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,对应的是过去的时间 I was eleven years old last year. 我去年11岁 She went to Shanghai last week. 她上周去了上海 He visited his grandparents last weekend. 他上个周末看望了他的祖父母 一般将来时,句子结构be going to 或者 will +动词原形,对应的未来的...

一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时 每个写3个例子_百度知 ...

一般过去时 1.Justin went to school in the evening. 贾斯汀晚上去上学了。2.I caught a cold this morning. 我今早上感冒了。3.I played basketball with my friends yesteray.我昨天和我朋友一起打篮球了。一般将来时 1.I will love you forever. 我会永远爱你。2.Nothing will change my ...


I like reading. 我喜欢读书。She wants a big present. 她想要一份大礼。Do you love me? 你爱我吗?一般将来时:I will go swimming. 我要去游泳。He won't work in Guangdong. 他不会去广东工作。Will he call on me? 他会来看我吗?一般过去时:I did it hours ago. 我几个小时以...


如下:1、To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。2、Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。3、Life is a chain of moments...


一般将来时:1 I am going to go to the West Lake this summer.2 They will go to the zoo tomorrow.3 She is going to do her homework tonight.4 He will play basketball with his friend this Sunday.5 I will visit the UN building tomorrow.6 Sam is going to go to Shanghai ...

英语九大时态造句 谢谢好心人?

1. 一般现在时:The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。2.正在进行时(也叫现在进行时):I am speaking. 我正在说话。3. 一般过去时:They were here only a few minutes ago. 几分钟前他们还在这里。4.一般将来时:He will get married. 他就快结婚了。5.过去进行时:This time ...


1.一般现在时 I sometimes go to work on foot.我有时步行去上班。2.一般过去时 I was born in 1973.我生于1973年。3.一般将来时 I will go to the zoo next Sunday.下周日我将去动物园。4.一般过去将来时 I thought he would come. 我以为他会来。5.现在进行时 It is snowing now....


I have studied English hard.我努力学习英语。(造成的影响是“我现在英语好”)现在完成进行时 My mother has been doing some reading for an hour.我的妈妈已经读了一个小时的书了。(现在还在读)一般过去时 Li Ming was a teacher in 2002.李明在2002年是一个老师。过去进行时 I was ...


一般过去时 I did my homework yesterday.When he came,she had finished doing it.一般将来时 I will go to school tomorrow When he comes,he will find it.一般现在时,是一种英语语法形式。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间...


一般过去时:I did my homework.被动:my homework was done.一般将来时:I will do my homework.被动:my homework will be done.过去将来时:I would do my homework.一般现在时:I do my homework.被动:My homework is done.一般过去时:I did my homework.被动:My homework was done.一般...
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