



Dear XXX,I must regretfully request a 6-day leave ofabsence due to death of a close family member。This is a very testing time forme and my family, and I am forced to take leaves from。December 25, 20xx to December30, 20xx。If approved, I will be traveling for mostof th...


I beg to apply for two days leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absence (请假) from the 7th to 8th of this week. because i was ill, i want to return/go home to see the doctor. to support my application, i herewith/enclose the sick leavecertificate. i should be ...


英语作文请假条 Dear Mr. Li,I was caught in the rain yesterday and I had a fever last night.I am really not feeling well now. My mom will take me to see the doctor .Please excuse me for not attending school today Thank you!Li Hua Taking a leave of absence.The distinguish...


Dear Sir,Please excuse my absence from class today, because I got a bad cold yesterday evening and didn't well in the night. I felt even worse this morning. Therefore, I had to go to the doctor to have myself thoroughtly examined. Thus, I am writing to ask you for a d...


帮忙写一篇英语作文啦,谢谢 情景:学生李平应患感冒,发热不能上学,向张老师请假。写一张不少于60个字的请假条。以下内容参考:1.asking for leave 2.why do you ask for leave 3.what about your homework Dear Miss---,I am sorry to trouble you that I catch a cold. I want to ask ...


to find a enough time to improve after this compete.Your student(你的姓名)亲爱的老师:我在(时间)有一场比赛,所以我不得不放弃您的重要的课程去参加这场比赛。我正在担心如何去提高我的(请假期间的课程),所以我打算在比赛后找到一个充足的时间去提高我的课程水平。您的学生(姓名)


Dear Mr Wang(老师的姓) ,Hello , Mr Whang !I have a bad cold . I feel sick . I can't go to school today . My mother took me to see the doctor. I have to take some medicine and drink much hot water . I have to stay in bed for a day .This is the doctor 's...

英语作文 请假条,各位英语高手请进来指点指点。谢谢

June 19, Thursday Mr. 888,I'm so sorry that i have to ask a leave tomorrow.Aa my mom has a serious cough ,my father has no time to look after her tomorrow, i have to accompany her and help her take the medcine,drink water and sleep in bed~i would appreciate if you...


I would like to request leave from work for three days, from June 1, 2023, to June 3, 2023. I understand the inconvenience this may cause and I assure you I will do my best to manage my tasks and responsibilities in the most effective way possible during this period.I will...

英语作文 请假条

Dear Miss I want to have three days off. Yesterday a traffic accident happened to me when I helped the farmer plant the trees. I fell off the tree . Fortunately,it's not serious. And some kind people sent me to the hospital. The doctor asked me to have a rest for three...
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