



2. Mainly the study of learning to learn, learn learn to accept. 3. More knowledge for more energy reserves Efficient service for the community Get high quality of life 4. Institute of interaction with others, learn, learn problem-solving way of thinking, learning life, know...


There are mainly two types of students you are very likely to meet in any university:one type likes to be engaged in all kinds of social activities while the other is reluctant to do son becuse they want to spend more time on their studies.Concerning the first type of student,...


school life is so busy that I sometimes wonder if my energy is enough. About my first year in college, my life is mainly made up of two parts, study and practice.As a student, the main task is study. In order to gain a high GPA, I have to get used to the college...


for life. Should have a full and wonderful, strive to finish them make goal in life, spend their best tour of the university.大学四年理应是人生最美好的一程。在中国读大学是很大的福分,我们应感恩生活。应该过得充实与精彩,努力完成自己制定的人生目标,度过自己最美好的大学之旅。




However, it is impropriate to devote our whole time learning English. Students who take all their efforts to learn thousands of GRE words most of which they will never meet during the whole life are stupid, instead they should pay more attention on their majors or their social ...




长期体育课的学习和自觉练习,能增强体质,提高健康水平。增强体质和发展智力两者密不可分,良好的身体条件是进行智力活动的物质基础,体质增强了,就能精力充沛地学习,有效地掌握科学知识。The study of physical education can make the mental activity and physical activity alternate, and play an ...


Dear Mike,It's so delighted to hear from you. How is everything? I am very well, many thanks.Don't worry, I can read your mind so I fully understand your anxiety.Indeed, what interests you most , i know as your best friend, is nothing but archeology. Interests are ...
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