Dear Miss Zhang,I will ask for two-day's leave because it rained when I played basketball and I got a cold.Please agree with me.Thank you!
称呼: Dear Sir / Dear XX 正文: (见下例)落款: Yours faithfully XX 日期: Sep,X, 2009 英文请假条写作需注意三点:1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上...
1. 尊敬的老板,我恳请您考虑预支我一部分工资的请求。我遇到了一些紧急的经济需求,保证会在规定的时间内补上这笔款项。非常感谢您对我的理解和支持。2. 亲爱的老板,我能否请求预支一部分工资?目前我正面临一些紧急的经济困难,需要额外的资金来解决。您的理解和支持对我来说至关重要,我将尽快偿还...
December 25, 20xx to December30, 20xx。If approved, I will be traveling for mostof the duration, but you, or any of my teammates。should feel free to contact mein case of emergencies。Thank you very much for your consideration。Sincerely。中文翻译。亲爱的 xxx,我很遗憾地要求,...
生活中难免会出现意外事件。比如,你突然生病了,或者是发生重要事件,这些都可能让你没法工作,那就只好请假啦!如果领导你的是老外上司,那该如何写一个英文请假条呢?Don't worry! 看了下面的内容,你就知道怎么写啦!首先,要在假条的上方写明假条是递给谁的 To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 ...
写作思路:把自己请假的理由写下来。Dear XXX 亲爱的某某某 I'm writing to notify you that I won't be able to make it to work/school today due to illness. I am awefully sorry for the short notice and any inconveniences that my absence may bring to you. According to the doctor...
Dear sir or madom:My Dad is illing at home,I must take care of him,so I want to ask for leave about 2 days,and I'll be back as soon as possible.student:xx date:xx.xx
尊敬的xx老师(或其他):我系政法学院xx级 xx 专业2班的 xx ,因xx ,需要 请假 (多久) ,时间 至 ,离校期间一切安全责任自负,望批准!此致 敬礼 请假人:二OO九年 月 日 ear xx teacher (or other) :I department of political science and law institute of...
Dear teacher/sir:I'm writing to you asking for a permission to absent from class.Because ,When I got up this moring ,I felt very bad.I got a slight headache and a sore throat;I felt very weak.And I also sneezed ceaseless.I think I might have a temperature.I would ...